Friday, October 15, 2010

How to get a visa to Germany?

Germany is one of the countries where quite problematic on their own to obtain a visa. In addition to Germany is, of course, the United States, Britain and Belgium. In each country its own reasons. The U.S. and the UK - terrorism, Germany and Belgium - immigrants. But most of those who want to get a visa is not through a travel agency, as a rule, the goals are much more peaceful.

First of all, thoroughly examine - the official website of the German embassy. There are various sights - depending on your destination. But here we take for example, only one - you're traveling at the invitation of the company for some time to work there (in our example - up to three months).

First you need to have passports valid, more than three months after the expiry date of your trip. This is important. Otherwise you will have to re-obtain a passport, and during this time.

Next, you make two copies of a Russian passport - pages with personal data and the registration page.

Make two copies of passport - pages with personal data. If there is already leaving the country of the Schengen Agreement, it is possible otkserit and a page with this visa. You will be credited.

Help take the place of work or study that you're an employee of stating your position and your monthly income. If you are a student, then make a notarized copy of your student card or academic record (so is not just a certificate that you are a student of such a course, such a specialty, such a university, and help with the whole list of items that you studied with the amount received academic hours. The translation thereof, will cost much more, and get this in the dean's office complex - should pick up documents from the first day of your training).

By mail in the original invitation to get out of this company and the contract, which details should be described in your job area, the number of working hours per week and the anticipated level of income? Also in the contract should be spelled out that the company is ready to assume all costs of insurance. (Note that from Berlin to Moscow, mail goes two weeks).

You then send you a signed contract back to the company, to invite you.

Now one of the most complex and intricate issues. Permit. If you can not have, then apply for the visa will be from 4 to 6 weeks. If you have the time, you can own nothing. But if you have a very short time the visa, then we need to do everything myself. With this work permit visa you will get the next day. For the Consulate it - the green light.

Thus, the work permit is issued Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung (Zav) - the central agency for employment. (Once again, that all German bureaucratic organs only work with the originals)

But not everything is as simple as you can imagine. You must get forms from the agency (by e-mail is possible). But you should be able to speak German or in English. It is assumed that if you go to work, at least one of the two languages you should know.

  You are careful and recheck written a hundred times, fill in these blanks. Also attached to them are the forms that must fill your employer. Post it all (again - in the original!) By mail to his employer. There fill the remaining blanks and the whole package of documents, as always, by mail, send to the ZAV.

ZAV then puts his large prints and sends the employer a piece of paper that everything is in order, give the go-ahead. And now - the attention - the employer (do not forget - in the mail) sends you this piece of paper.

For the visa you need are four photos. If you are a photographer stubbornly proves that it is not fundamentally, just how many millimeters in the picture your head, beat his legs ... This is of great importance. The consulate can and deploy.

Also, you must complete an application form (done in triplicate) for a visa, and two copies of the signed declaration in accordance with § 55 of the Residence Act in the territory of Germany.

Somewhere in the middle of all correspondence with all the bureaucratic structures of Germany, you should call (495) 789 64 82, 974 88 38 (cost of a call - 71 rub. For 1 min., the minimum payment is 142 rubles.) And sign up for an interview. Remember that from the moment the call to the nearest free time will be somewhere in two weeks.

Calculate so that you have at that time on his hands been all the documents. If not so, and you did not have one or two days - do not despair, you still go to the interview. There, if not all the necessary documents will be in your original, you will be given two weeks, during which time you can come any day and any time. That is, if the next day you have already received the original documents, it can safely go for a second interview.

That's basically it. Personal advice from me: at the mail, use the services of express delivery. They are many. Spend money, but will rest assured that nothing gets lost and will be delivered within 2-3 working days.

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