Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How competently to rent an apartment?

My friends and family long ago, and often rent out their empty square meters. This is a good increase in their pension or salary. Someone apartment inherited someone married / got married and moved to a spouse, and someone hands over a large living space, while he takes less. Everyone has their own choice. Accumulated vast experience in delivery of housing. As you know, learn from others' mistakes the wise ...
What you need to know to competently to rent an apartment?
First. First, turn in a real estate agency. For what? First, look at how they take. Secondly, you will experience in the future, you yourself will be easier and easier to find customers. While not every agency can boast a professional staff.

Try to give your ad - "I rent an apartment" and you are inundated with calls from realtors. And it does not matter what you've written it, "I rent by owner." Typically, the housing market by hiring a well-monitored real-estate offices. But I advise them to conclude a comprehensive agreement - which should make the agency and how much it will take. Usually, they will immediately place your ad in newspapers or offer you a book of their existing base.
Second. Your task - to know exactly the price of housing delivery in your area. Not to raise the market price of their homes. Rate it real. Phone around a few agencies, "poshpionte" - find the price of similar homes.
At the price can influence different factors: the area of the city, the term of a house and the quality of repair of an apartment or lack thereof, the availability of infrastructure around the house, the presence of furniture, home appliances, phones and even floor footage and period of employment. A very large impact on the price of your home has a proximity to educational institutions. Often, an apartment remove students. 
Third. Decide in their preferences - who would you like to see in his apartment. Choose the customer care. Do not rush to pass it to the first comer. Often it is fraught with further trouble. It is hard to guess who will be neat tenant - a young family, single women or students.
Be sure to meet with the tenant, do not give it at the mercy of Realtors. They do not care, and the apartment - yours! After the meeting, you have to decide - to pass or not.
And yet, as practice shows, it is impossible to guess what will be contained apartment, based on ethnicity. Each nation has chistyuli and draggle-tail. Do not be a nationalist.
Fourth. Competently contract with the employer. Here need help competent realtor friend or lawyer. Negotiate all! Absolutely all the details. How many people will be living in the apartment (my uncle passed an apartment ONE Vietnamese student - lived eight (!!!) people), for any purpose is hired apartment - an office for permanent residence, etc. It is also very important. In my block a neighbor complained that passed the apartment for a living, but now there is going to sect and sing hymns, all interfering with life. And it happens. Make sure to include the possibility of staying in your territory pets. Especially if you or your family is allergic to wool. Sometimes it happens - from a rented apartment makes an animal shelter.
If you rent an apartment to the property - make a detailed inventory and condition. Good description and condition of the apartment. Availability of repair, etc. The more you provide all the details in the contract, the easier it will be the relationship with the tenant.
Be sure to specify the payment period - better if it will advance. And the term of employment. Then you will not be put before the fact that the apartment is empty ... yesterday.
Speak and housing conditions of release - over what period and how many days before the departure of the tenants must be notified. Do not hesitate to describe everything. In the end, this apartment - your domain. I draw your attention, a lease agreement - a contract with an individual, rent - with the legal. Be careful.
Fifth. Must Speak pay utility bills and phone calls. Prescribe in the contract who, in what timeframe and what the payment documents to pay these fees. Watch for long-distance calls of their tenants, or cancel access to long-distance. This is also your safety net of penalties and interest.
Sixth. Most importantly, why you started all this - as will be the payment for housing. Also, all this will be reflected in the contract. Cash or money order. The timing and size.
If the contract is for the long term, provide the possibility of increasing the rent due to changes in the housing market. Flip the notice period to increase the fees.
Tips landlord. Be sure to pay taxes. They are quite small. 13% - income tax. But you need to register a contract of employment in the district tax office.
And at least once a month there in his apartment - this will enable monitoring of compliance with all terms and conditions and the integrity of your home.

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