Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What rights does the patient?

Not supporting or debunking various horror stories and incidents from the field of modern medicine, I will say one thing: a good half of them is due to the tremendous legal illiteracy of the population, multiplied by the legal laziness (say, the doctor still needs to know and "telepathically" to anticipate and perform at its best ). Patient's rights set forth in Article 30 of the Fundamentals of Legislation on health protection of citizens and even some federal laws. Briefly list and comment a bit.
When applying for medical assistance and getting the patient has the right to:
1) respectful and humane treatment by medical and support personnel.

It's - right to exercise all rights of its citizens. Restriction permitted under the laws for disabled persons under the threat of the constitutional order, morals, rights and interests of other persons (quarantine infection, for example), as well as national security (the same as possession of a weapon for the mentally ill).
2) Choosing a doctor, including family and doctor, given his consent, and a choice of health care setting in accordance with the contracts of compulsory and voluntary health insurance.
Few people know even less use. This is - if not an awkward relationship with the treating doctor or the place of actual residence, offering treatment at the place of actual registration.
3) Examination, treatment and maintenance in terms of the sanitary-hygienic requirements.
The hardest thing to do - from time immemorial, our medicine is financed on a residual basis.
4) Conduct, at his request a consultation and advice of other experts.
In fact, more and consent of the professionals themselves must take place and the justification for the economic feasibility of this ...
5) Relief of pain associated with the disease and (or) medical intervention available ways and means.
Is strict - thank God, anesthetics are good.
6) maintaining the confidentiality of information about the fact of seeking health care, health status, diagnosis and other information obtained during his examination and treatment in accordance with Article 61 of this Framework.
About it - in a subsequent article, but I will say this - the majority of relatives of adult patients from the standpoint of law ... are not his legal representatives!
7) informed consent to medical intervention in accordance with Article 32 of these Principles.
His absence - a sign of at least incompetence of doctors.
8) Refusal of medical treatment in accordance with Article 33 of this Framework.
Intervention, despite the refusal - see paragraph 1 (a life-threatening condition if it is impossible to express the will and a lot more then - such as involuntary hospitalization of people in psychosis). For children under 15 years of this decision shall parents.
9) Obtaining information about their rights and responsibilities and their health status in accordance with Article 31 of this Framework, and to choose the persons to whom the interest of the patient may be given information about his health.

If you do not explain the rules - a sign of incompetence or deliberate. Some variation is in psychiatry (depending on the current status of the patient). The choice of individuals is better documented and notarized (except for parents of children under 15 years old and guardians failed) - then doctors and patients get along fine.
10) Obtaining medical and other services through programs of voluntary health insurance.
Few people understand the differences between means as a component of social policy, state-guaranteed, and service (see "Civil Code").
11) Damages in accordance with Article 68 of the present basis in case of injury to his health in health care.
With a minimum of legal literacy, and realistic expectations, it is quite possible to compete. And Goliath boy won ...
12) Admission to him a lawyer or other legal representative to defend their rights.
Observed almost always in the presentation at the relevant documents.
13) Admission to him a priest, and in hospital to provide the conditions for religious rites, including the provision of a separate room, if it does not violate internal regulations of hospitals.
With respect to the ROC has always complied with, the servants of Islam - as well. With the cult of voodoo, I think, will Get ...
In case of violation of patient rights, he can complain directly to the manager or other officer authorized medical facility, where he is medical assistance, the appropriate professional medical associations and licensing commission or the court.

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