Once adopted the Commission's
text is discussed and voted on by senators in public. This requires that the
project or the bill be placed on the agenda. Senate hemicycle the plenary
discussion follows a very specific scenario in which involved a number of
players whose role is strictly defined. Here is what these players:
The government representative, who is the
Minister or the Secretary of State specifically concerned with the text in
question. Its role is to give the government position. The reporter appointed
by the commission, whose role is fundamental throughout the debate.
Eventually the or reporters
appointed by the committees asked for opinions; Senators who desired to speak
in the debate; Finally, the chairman is the Senate President or one of the Vice
Presidents. He heads the debates, gives voice to those who have requested and
made the votes.
The government, represented by
the Minister concerned, this project it defends. The rapporteur summarizes the
main lines of the text under discussion, identifies what he brings new and sets
out the position of the Commission.
At this stage of debate, each
senator including, in the case of a bill, the author of it - has the right to
intervene to give his own opinion. The usual rule is that each political group
delegates one of its members to explain his position to the other senators.
As soon completed the general
discussion, we move to the discussion of the text itself. The chairman
successively calls the various articles and for each proposed amendment. The
purpose of each amendment is exposed by its author. This can be the rapporteur.a
senator or representative government. Discussions ensued, during which each
other and give their opinion.
Then the vote. Each Senator can
be for, against or abstain. The Secretaries that is to say senators chosen by
their colleagues to perform these functions are the count. Depending on the case, the
Chair declared the amendment adopted or rejected. This is so the first and last
section of the text.
Then comes the vote on the entire
text. The Chairman put the entire proposal or project with already accepted
amendments. Before voting, each senator has the right to present very quickly
its explanations of vote. Generally, these are the representatives of political
groups who do on behalf of their members.
The Constitution provides that a
law to be adopted must be adopted in terms strictly identical to the Senate and
the National Assembly. However, from a similar project, the two assemblies
often vote the various texts. We need to agree a conciliation procedure. The
normal procedure is to return the text of the Senate in the National Assembly
and vice versa until the agreement is perfect.
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