Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How to avoid becoming a victim of gypsy hypnosis?

Luda was home alone when suddenly the door bell rang. On the threshold stood a young gypsy girl with a pretty little baby in her arms ... when Luda came to, gypsies had gone. As there were not two thousand dollars and my mother's antique brooch ...
Obviously, in modern times few people are surprised by such stories. At every turn we hear about how gypsies lure money from passers-by, making it so masterfully that prove their guilt is almost impossible. Using ancient techniques "charm" or so-called "Gypsy hypnosis," they manage to enter the human condition when he voluntarily gave money and valuables. And whatever fortitude possessed man, he always risked being under the influence of fraud.
So what is - "gypsy hypnosis"? How it works is explained simply enough. Fraudsters create in the cerebral cortex of human hearth overstimulation and begin to affect it. As a result, while in the waking state, people "turn myself in," making seemingly quite meaningful action, but does not realize they report and, over time, absolutely no recollection of them. After this "hypnosis" is a person with no money, and sometimes no memory of how it all happened.

To work gypsies choose crowded places (railway stations, parks, markets), where a person's attention blunted and easier to work on his psyche. They can stop you just a phrase: "Where is the bus stop?", Ask to smoke, to offer to tell fortunes ... - ways in their arsenal of thousands. The main thing for them - to get your attention, stop, detain. And if you're at least a second delay to them his opinion, they will immediately pass to the second number of his program - establishing contact.
Here gypsies really the master! Proposing to tell fortunes for little pay, or simply out of gratitude (for a glass of water, a cigarette, the answer to a question, etc.), fraudsters immediately taken to study the client.
As a real psychologists, they instantly determine how to behave in a particular case. They do not need to explain that the law of similarity, they should be similar to the person with whom they want to make contact, they feel it intuitively. So they are fit for their future prey movements, gestures, rate of speech and breathing, facial expressions, effectively becoming its clone. After initial contact is made, run for years honed the script:
1. Client report by pointing to it for its damage and removal costs money. Having obtained the required, gypsy instantly disappears into the crowd.
2. If a person refuses to give money, he begin to threaten that such damage to it will induce. Naturally, to pay off the curse, the man would give any sum of money.
3. If it does not produce the effect, customers report that corruption is hovering over his family - for love, illness or death of a spouse and children. Here is the most resistant heart can not stand.
Gypsy women were continuing their game further and gradually convinces the person that to remove the damage, he should bring home all valuables and jewelry and give it to the gypsy. Being in a state of trance, a person meets all the requirements for cheats, often with gratitude for the promised assistance.
But such a scenario works only if enough people inspires. Therefore, most often the victims of cheats are housewives, children and pensioners. In order to know the degree of suggestibility man finds a show with fortune telling, during which the gypsy easily determine whether to continue further. And if it finds at least some signs of response processing starts in earnest.
For hypnosis little contact with the man. Must also capture and hold his attention on anything as long as necessary. Often gypsy fix just look human, but if this fails, turn to the old and proven tricks - divination by the hand. Modern hypnologist proved that the impact on the right hand of the person allows the most powerful influence on the cerebral cortex. It is therefore not surprising that, stroking his right hand the client off the fortune-teller, and lulls the intellect, and when it begins later led to her finger, then amplifies transmitted plant. Noticing signs of response, it establishes them, and instilling a certain person action script, performs plan.

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