Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How to submit a distress signal?

I welcome all those who, being in a difficult situation, wants to actively contribute to their salvation. In our modern society for a long time there are no such places untouched by human hands. Therefore, to get to a place where you do not find extremely difficult. But there is another danger - you just may not notice or do not recognize your signals for help ... So, given that the primary means of escape from hard to reach places is any aerial vehicles, the world community has come up with a unified system of distress. This article focuses on one of the ways visual distress signal, namely, the code table, which has about 13 characters.

First, what the minimum requirements established for this method. The symbols are placed on the ground, with the help of available resources, and to get noticed, they should not be less than 10 meters in length and 3 meters in width, line thickness - 0,5 m. In general, the more the better!

1. Need a doctor. Simple icon. Just one long rectangle of 10 m   0,5 m

2. Looking for medications. If the wound travelers can help themselves, then this is another sign. Two of the rectangle, at a distance of two feet apart.

3. Need a map and compass. The group does not necessarily save, she comes and she has the necessary equipment. But, unfortunately, does not have the things needed to determine the route. In this case, laid out a square with sides of 10 m and a thickness of the line, as usual - 0,5 m.

4. Looking for weapons and ammunition. That is unlikely to want an ordinary tourist, but still ... laid out two ordinary tick (Latin letter V), nested into one another.

5. We need water and food. Quite an important symbol, supposedly descended from the English word Food. Just a capital letter F.

6. It is safe to land. One need only put a large equilateral triangle. Also, according to unofficial but accepted in some countries, tables, you can put a capital letter H.

7. Landing dangerous. Cover letter X.

8. All right. Two, consecutive, uppercase letters L. Actually - this is so: LL. From English All Right.

9. Specify the Direction. If the group needs to know where it should go to get out of the predicament, then you need to put a capital letter K. Associative - Where to go?

10. I do not understand. Laid out two letters, first letter L, an inverted horizontally, from left to right, and then the normal L.

11. Direction of the group with the accident. If the group is awaited by quite a long time and decided on their own to find a way, that the earth is the big arrow, which indicates where the group has moved. The more arrows, the more likely that you will find.

12. Yes. It's simple. Capital letter Y.

13. No. accordingly - N.

Ways to reupload the characters. That which makes the characters and how, depends mainly on the natural area site of the accident. In any case, it is necessary to comply with the maximum of the main principle: the need the greatest possible contrast with the surface of the symbol.

For example, in winter, when there is snow, the ideal - these characters do with ashes from the fire. Less successful version - trampled snow, then it should be as small as possible trample the snow in other places, and at the bottom of a character lay dark-green branches lapnikom. Summer in the middle lane can be used clothing, every bright fabric. Or cut up from the surface of the turf and lay upside down. On the coast, the sea is best to use algae or, at worst, boulders and pebbles. In the steppe it can be tree branches, and the best white or orange clothing. The worst thing in the desert course, clothing - is the best option, but if anything like that, the victim must make a high mound of sand that will give shade, lack of this method is that the characters are clearly visible only in the morning and evening ...

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