Sunday, October 31, 2010

How to behave in a terrorist attack? Basic rules

Anyone on the coincidence may be held hostage by criminals. In this case, the invaders may seek to achieve political goals, for ransom, etc. In all cases, your life becomes a bargaining chip for the terrorists. Experts recommend in this situation, to adhere to certain rules of conduct. So...
By the act of terrorism is impossible to prepare in advance, so be prepared for him always.
Terrorists are usually chosen for their attacks well-known and visible goals, such as large cities, international airports, major international events, international resorts, etc. Mandatory condition of committing an attack is to avoid scrutiny of law enforcement agencies, such as screening before and after the terrorist attacks. Be careful, being in such places. Terrorists operate suddenly and usually without notice.

Always, always, always specify where the backup exits from the premises. Think in advance how you will leave the building if it happens PE. Never attempt to escape from a burning building by elevator. First, the lift mechanism may be damaged. Secondly, usually frightened people running it to the elevators. Elevators are not designed to carry so many passengers, so the precious minutes needed for salvation, may be lost.
If you are held hostage:
  • As soon as possible steel you, relax and not panic.
  • Prepare yourself physically, mentally and emotionally to a possible hard test.
  • Speak in a calm voice. Avoid calling, hostile tone.
  • Avoid actions that might provoke the attackers to use weapons and cause loss of human life (do not run, do not rush to a terrorist, do not fight, do not pull out a gun from him, do not try to make peace with a terrorist, get him, do not beg, do not cry tears of his kindness).
  • Carry hardships, insults and humiliation, do not look into the eyes of criminals, do not behave provocatively.
  • To maintain the force eat everything you give, even if the food you do not like.
  • If necessary, follow the requirements of criminals (especially the first half hour), not contradict them, do not risk lives of others and their own, try to avoid hysteria and panic.
  • To commit any action (sit, stand, drink, go to the bathroom), ask permission.
  • If you are injured, try not to move, that you reduce blood loss. Try to wrap the wound with a handkerchief, a torn T-shirt or jacket.
  • Remember: your goal - to stay alive. Be careful; try to remember the signs of the criminals, the distinctive features of their faces, clothing, names, nicknames, possible scars and tattoos, especially speech and behavior, the subject of conversations, etc.
  • Remember that received the message about your capture, intelligence agencies have already started to act and take all necessary for your release.
  • Directly during the operation of your release, observe the following requirements:
  • Lying on the floor face down, his head close your hands and do not move.
  • In no case do not run towards staff or intelligence from them, as they may take you a criminal.
  • If possible, stay away from the openings of doors and windows.
  • Do not be outraged if the storms you will be treated harshly cause you moral or even physical injury - of the attackers in this situation is justified.

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