Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How to behave during a fire?

Every year in Russia during the fire dies on average 20000 people. A sad statistic when you consider that these deaths occur in the majority of carelessness, ignorance and panic of the elementary rules of behavior in fire. Fire - the phenomenon is necessary and useful, but must be able to keep it in check.
Before examining the behavior of the fire, it is important to remember several items related to characteristics of fires.
1. Do not panic, you do not help, but will only lead to tragic consequences. There is always the "extra" ten seconds to stop and think.
2. First, call the emergency services - for you it just may be no one to make. Make sure that someone met the fire brigades and helped him get to places faster.
3. In order to grow and grow, the fire needs oxygen, preferably in the form of wind - do not leave the draft, close the doors and windows. Do not repeat the mistakes of many thoughtless people: Do not extinguish a small fire by blowing - the flame can grow into several times.
4. Most people do not perish in the flames and choking smoke, carbon monoxide. During a fire, immediately cook soaked rag (a lot of people have saved their lives that have used their own urine), through which may have to breathe. In smoke-filled room to move as possible to the floor below - the smoke always strives upward.
5. Do not even think to put out water appliances included - need to throw in the inflamed technique veil or heavy curtains or use a special fire extinguisher. If there is a television, water can fill the back wall, where there are openings, but keep the side - picture tube can explode.
6. Do not jump from the upper floors; do not descend on the ropes, sheets, down pipes. Better to wait 15 minutes help than signet from the eighth floor, cherishing the idea of survival. Of course, when you offer timely fire awning - do not think about fear of heights.
7. If you have the opportunity to help others - to implement it by any means, it is better to save a few others' lives than their own property.
A fire in an apartment. If a fire is small and yet not dangerous - to try to fix it yourself. You can either fill it with water, fire, or cover it with a thick blanket to block the flow of air. If, however, to put out too late - evacuate to the street, taking with them a passport and other vital documents (if this is not a threat to life), and be sure to call the fire department. Before leaving the apartment, close all doors and windows, otherwise the flame will be distributed in proportion to force a draft. When a path blocked fire exit to the balcony and try to escape through a fire escape or balcony ledge nearby, or calmly wait for help, trying to attract more attention.
Fire outside the apartment. Thus, a fire occurred outside of your possessions: the first thing again, close the windows, turn off all electrical appliances from the outlets, and seizing documents, go to a safe place (do not forget to call the fire). During the evacuation in any case can not use the elevator - is punishable by a painful premature death. If the staircase is extremely strong zadymleny or even destroyed, then go back to the apartment, bar, and plug the gap in the door with wet rags (if you were still in a haze, Drop to the ground, close your eyes, hold your breath and head for the exit, holding wall). In this position, wait for the arrival of fire brigade (the city, it is an average of 3 to 10 minutes). In the case where the fire came close, save yourselves through the balcony.
In the special facilities (schools, manufacturing, hospitals, office buildings, etc.) developed a special action plan in case of fire, when the staff shares responsibility for certain areas (evacuation, rescue documents, meeting fire, the first steps to fighting). In such places have to be a panic button and evacuation plans.
When the burning man. Do not let him escape - the flame will only intensify. Need to immediately blame the victim on the ground, not excluding violent methods (best in the snow or a puddle), try to quickly throw off their burning clothes, better throw any dense fabric, be sure to leave his head open (so that people do not suffocate). Do not remove him from the burnt clothes of body parts, especially synthetics - send the victim into the hands of doctors.

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