Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What to do if you are attacked by a dog?

Angry attack dog for bad defending human can be fatal. To counter the dog attacked you, take advice, which I hope will help you with dignity out of a difficult situation.
When a dog attacks, barking, the risk is usually small. It just scares you, run with the territory (a place) where you are. It is not excluded that it can bite you, but this happens only when you turn her back or sideways, and he shall carry on her mind. Do not do either one or the other. Do not look away from the eyes of a dog, without haste and without making any sudden movements, leave this area (the place), and the conflict will be settled.
If the conflict drags on, try to check her reaction to the team "poof", "Walk!", "Aport," "Cat!".
Many dogs are familiar with. If, for example, the command "Phew!" Dog reacts and make a break - stop barking - then the team is "working" and protect you. In support of this team (with a positive reaction dogs) serve another: "Well fu" and then "Walk!". If the animal will show an interest in the team Aport! ", Pick up from the ground any stick, stone or a broken branch. Show it to the dog, repeating the command "Aport!", And then drop it. It is not excluded that the abandoned dog interested in the subject, and she'll leave you alone.
May be quite effective and a team of "Cat!". Typically, this command the dog reacts violently. At the same time she begins to thrash from side to side in search of its object of interest. For you, this gain in time. Rather go with the territory.
But if you see running at you in silence or with a growling dog, you know - it can seriously attack. If time and situation, try to take a place in which the dog you will not reach (Take somewhere higher, or use the nearest door (gate). If there is a body of water, go into the water. Even if it is shallow and the dog will try to reach you wade , meet its water spray - it was her stop. Where a dog have to get before you swim, rest assured - you're safe. Afloat dog will not bite, and drive off its spray is not difficult.
If you have nowhere to hide or climb, and there is no body of water, then take a handful of sand (earth) and throw it (if possible with the smallest distance) in the eye and into the jaws of the oncoming dog.
In other cases, it is impossible to avoid contact with animals, be prepared to defend him. First of all, assess their strength and power of the dog, as well as other available means, never yell aimlessly, especially a frightened voice. Do not wave your hands and do not fuss! Cry of fear and anxiety even more excite the dog. Her assault will only intensify. Of the available tools can use a stick, boxes, cases, outerwear, hats, etc.
If you have enough strength to inflict a severe blow to the dog (eg a stick or box), try to do it before the dog will bite you. Painful blow will shake the confidence of animal in their own superiority. Bite, on the contrary, it will strengthen. But in this case, be careful. Not all dogs are baffled by the pain. Yes, and a blow struck discord. Indeed, precisely and strongly caught in moving the animal is not so easy. In addition, service breeds of dogs specially prepared to keep the beat and break through to uke through the pain. Please note: to strike you will have only one attempt.
Bitten by dogs in different ways. Someone will bite, bounce, again and again bitten rebounds. Others, having made his grip, begin to pull, trying to tear that grabbed. Pull the dog will still feel your resistance. Interception at this time is unlikely. But as soon as your resistance will be weakened, wait interception at the new location and retry tear Captivating. Typically, this behavior is observed in most dogs,
If there is no owner of a dog that can come to your aid, and the danger is serious enough, do this: back against the wall, fence, so as not to fall down and not give myself to bite back. Pick up something from his outer clothing (jackets, shirts, hats, etc.) and set it before him on his outstretched hands. The dog instinctively grabbed clothes and pull over. Hold tight! At the time of its maximum voltage drops sharply (and as much as possible) hit her with the toe of the foot to the throat. This will be enough to decide the outcome of the fight in your favor.
In the event that circumstances do not allow to use some object to receive him grip, stand up to the approaching animal polubokom. Bent at the elbow, hold hands at waist level. Shock foot laid back and slightly spruzhinte knees. When between you and your dog will be about two meters ahead sharply expose the level of breast forearm. The dog instinctively reacts to this move and will attack the hand. At the time of the jump, it will retract, revealing unprotected belly. Take advantage of this and apply it to kick in the area. But remember: if you miss the moment and do not have time to hit up the dog grabs you by the hand, the possibility to do this then you will not be.
Imagine that you have not had time to blow, and the animal clutched in his hand. Despite the pain, the dog walked on faster than it would back away from you. Not feeling the resistance arm, the dog is likely to let her go to catch you in another place. If her collar, try to grasp it with his free hand and twisted. This is Choke, which requires great effort. If the collar is not, try again with a kick.

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