Friday, October 15, 2010

What is plagiarism?

"Plagiarism (from Latin plagio - is kidnapped), the intentional misappropriation of authorship to someone else's product literature, science, art, invention or rationalization invention (in whole or in part). For such actions is subject to criminal and civil liability. "
Yes, steal and usurp someone else's work is not good. But obviously, it is understood not all. For example, there are people who can come up with anything and they themselves can implement the idea, but there are people who can not think of anything, but can perfectly replicate what someone thought of something. And finally, people who can not think of anything and can not repeat anything - they are excellent performers and assistants.
But the man is constantly being improved and he wants something more out of life: he begins to imitate or copy a talented and successful colleagues. In other words - to learn something. Here, it seems, just, and buried the dog, some people, learning any craft, is beginning to create their own creations, using the accumulated experience of previous generations, while others still remain incapable of creativity. It was these people because of their zakompleksovannosti the labor of others and try to pass off as their own, so as not to seem worse than others or simply to capitalize on this.

Desire "not to seem worse than others, and pushes people to such actions. With this phenomenon in our life have to face quite often. Of course, that genius is very small, although in their life and work are found curiosities. For example, the parallel invention of wireless communication of the Russian scientist Alexander Popov and Italian radio technician G. Marconi.
But, as in science and technology all inventions and discoveries are recorded and promoted, then steal any idea, no principle of operation is not possible. But in the sphere of creative people, less gifted, "take" someone else's ideas and give them their own. Sometimes rework some parts, and sometimes not even hesitate, just signed his own name under a false labor.
Interesting story in this regard, there was very popular at the time, tune "Lambada", the authorship of which belonged to one is not very famous composer. His new track, remained almost unnoticed after a while became a hit, and conquered many countries on all continents. His popularity is owed to two enterprising young people who see this track what other reason did not notice it.
They made a new arrangement, a change of composition itself, giving thus tunes a new life. When the music began to emerge fabulous profits, the author was not difficult to prove in court its authorship and to sue employers tens of millions of dollars. It turns out that if the composition is used for more than seven notes, standing in a row from the other works only if it is considered plagiarism.
In some encyclopedic articles dealing with plagiarism, you can find an explanation: "One should distinguish plagiarism from the literary continuity, for example, the tradition of poems -" monuments "in Russian literature: to the Ode of Horace Exegi monumentum ( Monument ") in Russian literature of XIX-XX Ages treated MV Lomonosov, GR Derzhavin, V. Kapnist, AH Vostokov, SA Tuchkov, AS Pushkin.
There is a tradition of continuity and author of the monumental pieces of music. For example, the third act of the opera Mussorgsky Khovanshchina begins beautiful lyrical song of Martha Exodus mladeshenka ", based on authentic folk tunes. And in the first scene of the fourth act has an important place colorful vocal-dance suite. Lyrical choral song "Near the river, on luzhochke, lively dancing" Gayduchok and Cheering "is floating, floating swan," based on folk melodies.
In turn, Shostakovich's symphonic works in its use of music from the opera Mussorgsky Khovanshchina. A Symphony in Memory of Victims of Fascism and War "is well known to music lovers, the code sounds canonical theme song Solovyov-Sedogo" favorite city ".
Or say, how to relate to theoretical studies of Einstein? For example, the most revolutionary was his work "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies", which with extraordinary clarity of ideas were presented the special theory of relativity (that), destroyed the classical concepts of space-time that existed from the time of Newton.
However, a number of important provisions of this theory were formulated Lorentz and Poincare, the idea as, say, in the air. But only Einstein managed to combine all the most important provisions of the new theory and clear physical language to formulate its tenets, primarily the principle of relativity and the principle of the existence of a limiting velocity of signal propagation.
But now you can still see statements that the theory of relativity was established before Einstein. But because it was important not so much of (many of them really were previously known from the work of Lorentz and Poincare), but the correct physical base from which these formulas follow, but Einstein failed to reveal the physical content of the theory of relativity.
But let's move on from the story to the problem of plagiarism in journalism. Very eloquently expressed in his time of plagiarism in the media reporter for Komsomolskaya Pravda Andron Kalashnikov: "Plagiarism - open wound on the body of journalism. The origin of this injury, no one in doubt: the neglect of basic hygiene rules.
Instead of running around the cities and villages, to collect information useful to society, the correspondents of some publications by means of a sedentary lifestyle and reading materials colleagues is making a lot of painful trouble. But instead of this unhealthy lifestyle change for a useful, - comb trouble, causing the body to the wound ... "(" Plagiarism - a disease of dirty hands ").
As all may have realized, we are talking about authors who use the news, information and works by other authors, available on the Internet, which became for many journalists a kind of magic wand. But here, as in any other case, a double-edged sword. It is one thing - just download some exclusive material, changing the title and putting them under his signature, give the material in print, and more - creative use of needed material, indicating the author and source. But this should be always well within the law and the rights of the author. Well, then, that the person stealing other people's work, signs of powerlessness to create something on their own - this is obvious.

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