Friday, October 15, 2010

How to behave around the police?

In all tourist areas of Egypt have offices tourist police, and no matter what happens in the usual tourist site does not fall.

In the event of a collision with local citizens Egyptian state is always on the side of the foreigner. During the conflict, with employees in the extortion of money (for example, for the loss of room key) you can safely call the police or face it. Egyptian police are very afraid of her.


Here too there is the tourist police, but the attitude towards private property, such as in Egypt.

- Failure to pay the police to take the owners of the hotel, shop or restaurant. So even if you believe in cheating, we must require the document - signed a check or bill pay, and then only to call the police. If the owner is guilty, it will return the money, but all the same procedures as follows: first, to pay, then to threaten the police.

- In Istanbul prison sitting a few Russians, but - for transporting drugs in a large scale. During the riotous drunkenness, fights and theft does not sit anyone. Nevertheless, there are incidents of theft, false dollars happens to be disorderly, but in any case can always be bought off.

- In Turkey, there are magistrates. If the tourist had an accident and nobody was hurt before his death, the case goes to the magistrate, the parties agree amicably. And, to honor the Turks, always agree.


Here the police are friendly. They can ask any question. There is the tourist police, whose officers more friendly and speak in English.

- But! Rude to the Thai police can not, such behavior, they do not forgive. Buy off a lot.

- Nudism is prohibited in Thailand. Topless at the wrong time in the wrong place without the necessary amount of money can end the proceedings at the police station. Such cases are not unique!

- In Thailand, as in Turkey, in the event of a conflict is best to pay and then to threaten the police. The police love to stretch it makes to sit for hours in the area, then he is not pleased that was contacted.


The UAE has the most law-abiding citizens live in the world. Still some ten years ago, crime is almost absent. But the crowd surged shuttles, pickpockets, prostitutes, and local authorities to Russian crime terminally bored (with the Russian in the UAE and believe the Georgians and Lithuanians).

- In local jails are put all in a row - and these thugs, and paint the town red bedolag.

- In Sharjah a thief or a drunkard (and tourists!) Can be sentenced to punishment in the form of 100-150 strokes of the cane. Convicted by the verdict of the Sharia Court of publicly beaten in a special place, and then dragged another in civil court, where will award a fine and imprisonment.

- In Dubai, the situation is easier for foreigners Sharia court is not subjected to, but put in prison without mercy: in prison in Dubai is always more than fifty Russians.

- Police Emirates are on duty in shape, but more often - in civilian clothes. This is a police agent. Was a case where a tourist in Ramadan out of his hotel with two bottles of gin in his hand and just wanted to go across the street to a nearby hotel? He was captured by the agent and received a month in prison.

- Stole a gold chain - six months. For threatening to murder - for seven years. For insulting local women are fine and can be planted. For the insult may find photography, stalking harassment, some worthless courtship can not shake hands, for example, and the door to pass the woman forward.

- Favorite method of combating crime in the Emirates - a provocation. The policeman invites a prostitute in the room - here's three to five, without any witnesses. Agent at the disco offers nyuhnut cocaine has agreed to - receive from two to five. Drug sellers are executed by special order sheik.

- If there was a some sort of trouble on the road, you just have to wait five to seven minutes. In urban patrolling is constructed in such a way that the police drive through each point once every seven minutes.

Tips Security Service

- While walking is enough to have with a safety document, the hotel card and, preferably, a photocopy of a passport and business card. Passport itself better to keep the hotel and take with you only if you need to return tax free. In the case of lost passports will have to issue a certificate of return, which would require a police report, that is, seen the police.

- In some non-European countries, police are not obliged to answer questions like "How do I get?" and therefore did not respond.

- In conversation with the police is better not to gesticulate, smile, and to justify the use a calm and correct English language.

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