Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How to behave in a street fight? Individual brawl

It's no secret, that our world of today rather stiff and uneasy, especially in recent times. Discussed in the article will focus on how to behave in a street fight. From time immemorial, in the world, and especially in Russia, were highly valued people who can stand up for themselves in any situation. Until now, the ability to fight is necessary for any man who wants him and his family could walk the streets and do not look around. Unfortunately, not always the martial arts fit into our lives, but little of the principles of individual combat accessible to everyone.
First of all, all fights are divided into individual and group. On the first will be more written below. Firstly, the fight "one on one" complicated by the fact that every enemy has its pluses and minuses. Professional fighter can identify them immediately and in large numbers, you also fairly assess the situation in general. And remember, you're not in competition, by all standards-hand combat, fight should not last more than 10 seconds (against the opinion, which is composed of American fighters) - during which time the enemy simply must be defeated.

Now, imagine that you still got into a fight or just around the corner. If it can not avoid - hit first, it will stun the enemy and give you the opportunity to leave the battle, or bring it to an end with a triumphant result.
Rudimentary fighting techniques should be aware of all without exception:
1) Proper stance. Legs slightly bent at the knees, one stands in front of the other, body weight at ¾ moved to the front. Hand (wrist) is slightly below eye level, that what lies ahead - parallel to the torso. Spine straight, head tilted slightly. It is important that the whole body was relaxed, but any muscle must be prepared for sharp attacks. No need to stand still, it is better to move in any direction, but without losing the feet of clear support.
2) Breathing can be of two kinds. Either smooth and quiet necessary for delivering powerful and accurate blows, or frequent and intermittent, like a dog. The second type (mainly for non-professionals) need to impacts produces sharper and faster, and not to knock the breath after will beat you, for example, if after you hit in the stomach, then transferred the consequences will be much easier and recovery takes several times less time.
3) Another important factor, which in any case will interfere with you in a fight, it's a pain. Here is the only hidden, but very important point - no need to move away from the pain - you need to go to her. Rather, in the direction in which its action is directed. Here is a simple example - when you pull the ear, if you pull in the opposite direction is likely to feel even more uncomfortable, but if you go wherever you pull - the pain will pass and you may receive a certain way out. The same thing: if you turned to shock, you go in the direction in which it is directed.
4) To be effective, you need to know and how to beat him. This can be done with a fist or palm edge. When you hit you have to invest all power in his hand, and like a little pull hard body, giving more weight. Fist thrown swiftly along the entire arm. Thumb on the fist must be placed at the bottom of the wrist, to hit closest to the hand phalanges of the index and middle fingers.
Just a few small things needed for your victory. Do not just so horrible to peel - be smarter. The main point in which to aim: the eyes, nose, jaw, throat, solar plexus, kidneys, liver, groin, coccyx, patella, ankle. If the opponent is much better than you in physical form - is universal today is not very pleasant, but effective technique: the capture of the groin area - the stronger will compress, the easier it is to manipulate the victim.

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