Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What is the shelf life, durability and warranty?

Consumer's right to quality of goods (work) involves not only the transfer of high-quality consumer goods, but also provides guarantees to maintain this good in a serviceable condition, and also holds the manufacturer (performer) certain obligations to a consumer in this area.
It is known that the goods or the work can not be used forever, sooner or later they will, alas, are broken and they have to leave. To determine what kind of period of use shall be considered as normal, the RF Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" introduces the concept of "life", defining it as the period during which the manufacturer (contractor) agrees to provide consumers an opportunity to use the product (job) to destination and is liable to the consumer for significant deficiencies, resulting in a product of his producer (executor), the wine.
This period can be defined as the time period and other units of measurement (kilometer car, for instance, etc.). Length of service is determined by the manufacturer based on the types of materials, technological capabilities, design, processing method, and therefore can meet similar products from different manufacturers with different expiration dates.
As follows from the wording of the law, the establishment of the term - is right, but not the obligation of the manufacturer. If the manufacturer, for whatever reasons, did not consider it necessary to establish the period of service in the manufactured of the goods in accordance with the statutory requirements, he will be responsible for damage caused by the goods within 10 years from the date of transfer of goods to the consumer.
In the interests of public safety, Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" establishes a rule according to which if the goods (work) after a certain time can be a danger to life, health or property of consumers, the establishment of life for these products (results work) becomes a mandatory requirement for the manufacturer.
Since it is not for every product you can apply the rules of law about the service life, the concept of "shelf life", ie, the time period after which the product (work) is considered to be unfit for its intended use. This term on a mandatory basis should be established for food products, perfumes, cosmetics, medicines, household chemicals and other similar products. Sale of goods that have expired or goods for which a breach of the law expiration date is not set, is not allowed.
Any new product is a period of "habituation", during which time may reveal its features or flaws. In order for the period of "addiction" was the least painless for the consumer, the law provides for the right producer (executor) to install the goods (other than life or expiration date) warranty period.
Warranty period - a period during which the manufacturer takes on heightened obligations to consumers, for example, undertakes at his own expense to remove deficiencies arise, and in some cases, replace the goods on a new one.
Trading companies, trying to attract customers, provide them with various additional services. And here the warranty purchased fairly widespread. The law gives the seller the right to install an additional warranty. This guarantee can only be installed over the warranty period specified by the manufacturer. The seller may charge an additional fee for the right to use the warranty, but should give the consumer a choice - to buy a product with such additional warranty or without it.
If goods are bought for durables, the consumer is not indifferent to who and under what conditions will serve the product after the warranty period. Protecting the interests of citizens, the law imposes certain obligations on the manufacturer to ensure after-sales service of goods. In accordance with the requirements of the law the manufacturer must provide repair and maintenance products, as well as the production and delivery of trade and repair organizations in the spare parts necessary for repair and maintenance of volume and variety. Fulfill this requirement the manufacturer must during the whole period of production of goods, and after removing it from production - within a manufacturer lifetime or ten years from the date of withdrawal of goods from production, if life is not installed.

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