Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How to learn to defend themselves?

You probably say that this theme does not fit into one article; you need to train hard and work on ourselves to really be able to fend for them. But here I want to consider the purely psychological aspect of this subject, to convince some people that they can protect themselves and their families in emergency situations.
To begin with, that you should forget about his idea of a fight. Because during the fight the power plays the most important role. I would say so: 80 percent affect psychological mood, a 15 - vehicle, that is, your ability to fight, and only 5 percent - force.
That is why in this article will talk about how to properly configure itself to do battle with the man.

First, forget any pity for his opponent or the rules of fair fighting. I assure you that he will not spare you, and at any appropriate time to be ready to strike. If the hand is some sort of club, or tin, or a broken bottle - do not hesitate to take it, take it in hand and go into battle. Only in any case do not drop his weapon at an enemy and use it as an extension of your hand. Besides, pity the person who encroaches on your life or the life of your loved ones, are unreasonable. Learn how during the battle turned into a completely different person, or even in person, but rather a beast, and not just some innocent canaries, and a ferocious beast. Proceed so that your opponent is not just afraid of you, but was terrified of you.
Second, realize that times have come to blows with someone; you can easily get away from him. Therefore learn not to feel sorry for yourself and go ahead to attack. The winner is the one who is not afraid to get it. And without a single bruise from a fight out only the real masters.
Third, remember that you're fighting the same person, like you, that is, it also has two arms, two legs and head. And no matter how frightening it would not look like that, it still remains a man, who also has weaknesses, which you simply have to fall. But if you still do not feel confidence in yourself, then just imagine the person naked. After that it will not you feel sort of scary, on the contrary, you feel confident.
Fourthly, as I said, the force does not play almost no role, so you do not need to have big muscles, but just to know where the costs fall, and fall back. And this: the eyes, temples, back of the head (which is why in all sports there is forbidden to beat), throat, solar plexus (especially on inspiration), kidneys, groin (I think this place needs no comment). There is still a place, just above the heel, if there horoshenko strike, the person generally becomes lame on that leg.
From this we can conclude that these places need the most carefully protected because they are the key to neutralizing the man. And this key could use even a child of thirteen.

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