Monday, November 1, 2010

The girl to avoid the attack and what to do if you avoid it failed?

Is not it, to live is getting worse? Is there an easy way to avoid the dangers of us at almost every turn? I write based on personal experience, because of my short life attacked me several times. By analyzing these situations, I come to a disappointing conclusion: 90 percent to blame was I. Unfortunately; each of us thinks that "all the trouble happens to other people, but to me this does not happen." Believe me, although it is very tempting to think what I - "chosen" it is better to come down to earth than to suffer in the course of a robbery, and, getting out of the many phobias that attack you after. So, what are our mistakes, and what little effort we can make to avoid them?

Mistake number 1. We return home "a little drunk." (And maybe sober, but it's too late - the same way, nothing good). Any of us, even if it is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, at least occasionally allows himself to go to the club, a cafe or at least on a corporate party, where she is a kind of dose of alcohol. Friday, tired after a week of work, tomorrow we will not have to get up early - all contribute to relaxation, intoxication, we stay up late into the night and return home only late at night and sometimes in the morning. Drunkenness among other advantages it reduces attention and sets us on the placid mood. Error! Drunk girl - in it a sufficient temptation. Later time or overnight, turning into the morning - a time when the drunks and drug addicts are already releases an evening dose, and they are seeking funds for the next one. And here they are folded relaxed, complacent, drunk girl! Need to be a fool not to take advantage of such temptation.
What can we do? Do not walk fun? Give up alcohol? Hire a personal bodyguard? All the ideas rather utopian. But there are options and simpler. If there is no way to the club for you called in a friend or dad met at the subway, just call a taxi. Believe me, it's better to pay for a car, than to lose a much larger sum in a robbery or spend a few days to recover documents stolen along with her handbag ... By the way, it is better not to save, catching the private traders, and to call an official taxi, because - oh, horror! - Private owner may also be a criminal or simply a weak man, yielding to the temptation to rob defenseless a passenger...
However, suppose we were not able to avoid mistakes number 1 and made a
Mistake number 2: return home slightly drunk, fun and relaxing on a dark street (and what else can be a street at night?). And, suppose, by the way that we squandered all the money and we do not have the required amount of elementary taxi. Anything can happen. So, you have to gather the will in a fist and pretend that you are sober. To go as straight as possible and quickly, but with dignity, else lurking in doorways hooligans decide that you are afraid, and fear often provokes attack. Already on the way to the house you can get mobile, and even if the house you no one expects a carefree tone Twitter: "Yes, I'm already on the way, go out to the balcony, you see me, better go down to the entrance, I was I go." But it is better not to start these conversations away from home, because, by concentrating on a conversation even with a nonexistent person, you can not with due diligence "scan" the area and would be worth. In this case, not necessarily always look like a frightened rabbit (again, manifestations of fear that we do not need). You can just from time to time turn his head, as if you look around, does not leave a car from somewhere, or stop to fix her shoe, pull up her skirt - if I teach you little tricks female? Very important: avoid dark areas of the road! The simple truth, but to me it opened just after I had experienced in their own skin all the charm of these sites. There is always a workaround, three times longer, but a hundred times safer than the road through the dark yard. It is better to go around on street lighting, where the ride vehicle. And watch the shadows and the sound. Not necessarily looking to see how close behind the shadow of a running man or hear him breathing loudly - because when running your breath quickens and becomes louder. In this case, you at least will catch no surprise - and after all this, in the first place, and expect the attackers...
If you are a brave girl and ready to use any of the traditional ways to confront bullies, it will give you a few seconds of winning. Very shortly on how to:
- Turn around, screamed and ran to meet the most offensive player;
- Turn around and throw him in a bag, run away (he reflexively put his hands out, you will have a few seconds);
- Turn sharply and hit him in the eye exposed to all five fingers (say, the surest way - at least one finger, but will fall, and the traditional kick in the groin, likely only to further infuriate the attacker);
 - Lay on the ground attacking your own body weight, using his embarrassment, quickly get up, kick it harder and run.
Personally for me, all these methods is unacceptable. I know that, despite regular exercise, I'm weaker than most men in battle lose. Risk and to fight back, using promoted in the media self-defense, I do not want to - they're good, if practiced to automat city, in a panic, I can hardly really bring the enemy down, but only provoke it to their resistance. And anyway, how far it run away in high heels? So if your night adventure has reached the described phases, do not make
Mistake number 3: the struggle for property. Very often at night hooligans need a sum of money for the next dose of drugs or alcohol. Maniac is not so much, and for rape in depleted unseemly excesses organisms bullies do not have enough resources. They long for other interests. Therefore, their main goal - your property, not a maiden honor or life. Thus, if the robbery is inevitable, give the bag. Believe me, it's better to lose a certain amount of money, brand new telefonchik, even your favorite purses alligator than to spend a month in hospital, as one friend of mine (incidentally, the master of sports of swimming), which entered into a struggle for the bag and a concussion, as the angry persistence production villain struck her head against the wall until she lost consciousness...

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