Monday, November 1, 2010

What is needed military reform?

In recent years, the newspaper devotes considerable attention to issues of military reform. Despite the urgency, the establishment of an expensive professional army in Russia is rather vague prospect. It is obvious that military spending will form an excessive burden on the budget. But, in my view, be a slight change in the existing organization of the army, or as they say now, to humanize military service. To do this, not only to reduce the tenure of which have long been saying.
Who invented this system, when the eighteen boys tear from their homes, depriving the latter of spiritual support? They serve hundreds and even thousands of miles from home. In the notorious Soviet times there were even such facts as stated in the eighteenth train on the way to a military unit. Is this justified violence against boys?
What makes the state a hurry, taking students into the army yesterday, in fact, children? Is it time to abandon the weapons of psychological repression and intimidation, inherited from the totalitarian regime?
Life is leisurely, even slow. She has nowhere to hurry. She does not tolerate surges.
Recruitment shall be made by the peculiarities psychology. What psychologists say about this? For example, the astrologer (and a psychologist) Gregory Kvasha writes about adolescence: "If love is not realized, then it is sublimated, as proved by Freud. And because you can only marvel at the imagination of military commanders who want 18-year old boys in the peak of this age, separated from the female half of humanity. This is the shortest path to the sadism and other amenities of sublimation - we call it hazing.
Interesting views of the psychologist Luule Viilma. There is a need and is its opposite - an obligation. Duty takes freedom and turns into a slave. The duty is coercion, which causes resistance and protest. From this position, protecting the motherland should not be my responsibility and my need. The emergence of such a need evidence of social maturity of the person. And such sets in after 20 years. No accident that in America, age is recognized in 1921. Consequently, the age of majority is also needed to be brought into conformity with the standards of psychology and physiology. And in 18 years a person other than the need to continue their education, there is still a good demand - to be left alone.
Taking the army under penalty of perjury, under duress, in every normal human discourage doing anything. Inevitably there is a reaction of rejection. In essence, the law on universal military duty on the vine strangling a beautiful man's need - to be a champion.
It would be naive to believe that the army can be equipped on a voluntary basis. But need a compromise between compulsion and free will. So a compromise is increasing military age. Young people a) focus (and it is necessary in the barracks environment) and b) acquire certain life experiences, and c) gain self-esteem. And finally, he get used to the idea that to serve and actually go voluntarily. And in 18 years let him serve as volunteers.
As for alternative service, we have gone through the system of forced labor. You can imagine what will be the quality of this work. And how to prove that religious or other beliefs contrary to military service. In my opinion, the need for alternative service for those who due to the peculiarities of his personality can not be in the barracks environment or who can not be trusted weapon. There are such people. Yes, and the age of conscription to use the maximum. Let us recall the legendary Ilya of Murom. In our time, he would simply have given military ID and found unfit for military service. But he was a real warrior.

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