Thursday, November 18, 2010

How it is correct to select attorney in order to remain on the freedom?

In the life for each to be necessary to encounter the problems of juridical nature. Often without possessing sufficient knowledge in the region of criminal law, for us it is necessary to be turned for the qualified legal assistance, in connection with which without fail does arise question - to whom as how much?
In the sphere of the rendering of juridical services it is possible to isolate two categories of defenders - those, who possess status of attorney, and not possessing the same.
Status of attorney, makes it possible to be (God forbid, certainly) of your interests in the criminal process (at the stage of preliminary investigation, criminal legal procedure). In practice it is possible to isolate three forms of the attorneys:
1. Attorney, who earns money due to the payment of its services by state (the so-called defender according to the designation), in the common people attorney”. As a rule, this is the beginning attorney, without a sufficient practice and the clients. If in that suspected, accused insufficient cash resources for the attraction of the experienced specialist, whose services can cost sufficiently dearly, state allows to it defender and pays his services. Usually the organ of preliminary consequence in face of inspector or will carry the decision about the designation of defender. The latter can be both on-duty attorney of the Bar, according to the list of duties, and one of the attorneys, who constantly “are grazed” with the organ of preliminary consequence.
To use the services of this attorney is fraught for the following reasons: if this is on-duty attorney, then most probably duty for it and to this designation he will relate as to the working duty, which must be more rapidly departed. But if this “attorney”, then it to place “stick in the wheels” to preliminary consequence will not be, since following time inspector or his will not invite, as a result of which it will be deprived although of the small, nevertheless guaranteed earnings. But in the second case there is plus, since the same attorney, when in you determined of finances are present, and due to the close acquaintance with the inspector, it can solve your question to the positive side.
However, attorneys of this type, coming running to this tactics of protection, earn to themselves negative rating in the places the not so distant, since dissatisfied clients, after proving to be after the barbed wire, they " advertise” their defender, who “helped” it to there prove to be.
2. as the second variety it is possible to isolate “mixed” type of attorney, i.e., sufficiently experienced attorney with the specific practice, but not by protection according to the designation. It is sufficiently independent from the law-enforcement agencies in the sphere of its activity, but are maintained friendly- neutral relations. And being that invited as the defender, it will try to be convinced, to eat in the client of money, of the sum, which interests him. If there is, then it will exert efforts for the protection, if there is no necessary sum, then, alas, to help it will not begin.
3. I the third type of attorneys - as a rule, experienced defenders, at the age and for the most part long time worked in the law-enforcement agencies, in connection with which know system from within, they possess enormous experience and large number of connections. According to the designation work they will not be also for the small fee also, since they fear to lose stamp. Familiar usually advise this attorney. After obtaining the necessary sum, which can consist both of the fee and “recompense” to necessary people, the defender of this category, most probably, it will work out it to all 100%, after exerting mental efforts, “it will find and will carry to whom must”, than it will create the necessary prerequisites for the positive further advertisement.

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