Friday, November 19, 2010

What to do if you cheated in the supermarket?

It conclusion should be noted that the supermarket - it's just a trade organization that must comply with all trade regulations, as well as any other store. 
Going shopping at the supermarket, we expect that to insure themselves against problems.
However, in the stores, operating under the brand of prestigious brands, revealed a huge number of violations.
This sale of faulty goods past their expiry date, the sale of counterfeit goods without documents and certificates of quality.
This is deception, when at the box office with a buyer for the goods taken a large sum of money than indicated on the price list. It is not uncommon rude customer service. And this is not an exhaustive list of violations.
In the chain stores do not openly give light weight and not cheated. Here we encounter a civilized way of deception, including by means of automation and bar-coding. 
At the same time find the culprit is extremely difficult, the sellers do not always have badges with the name and surname. Managers of supermarkets to justify unfair work provides a different argument. For example, due to the large volume of sales staff do not have time to time change the price tags, etc.
What to do if you cheated?
First. If you understand that you are deceived, and now will conflict situation, enter into discussions with store personnel is not necessary. Ask to invite the manager to write an application addressed to the head of the trade organization. And, if it came to threats to call police, then call the law enforcement agencies better yourself. And in the presence of a police officer to hand over the store manager a statement.
Second. It is necessary to call the "consumer protection". Your phone must be specified in the "corner of the buyer, which necessarily exist in any store.
Third. It is worth noting that the store should not insist that things are surrendered to the storage chamber.
Fourth. Store employees have no authority to do a search and inspection of personal belongings buyers. Most of the guards simply executes the order of their leaders. Commit theft protection stop or detain persons attempting to illegally make products. Nevertheless, after the arrest, they should call the police patrol.
If the protection is carried out supermarket workers departmental or private security, they have the right to make inspection of things, but in exceptional cases - and personal search. Here you can recommend "arm" in Article 184 of the Criminal Procedure Code, which states: "If there is reason to personal searches, but only a police officer of one sex with a person being searched and in the presence of witnesses of the same sex."
In conclusion, it should be noted that the supermarket - it's just a trade organization that must comply with all trade regulations, as well as any other store. Are you a buyer must assert their rights. And any store should be the motto: "The customer is always right!"
Well, if it is not, think about it. After all, you always have the right to choose. You can shop in another, albeit small, store.
The owner of a small shop cherishes his client. It attracts customers not only a wide range of products and low prices, but also with sensitivity. It is clear that fraud in this case is not included in his plans.

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