Saturday, November 20, 2010

Recurrent grants for study - a myth or reality?

The graduates of pedagogical institutes is not going to work in a profession ... 
The government there is talk and discussion on lack of medical, educational and agricultural training in the country.
Among other things, in an interview with Russian newspaper on Aug. 10, 2005 Head of Federal Agency of Education Gregory Balykhin reported the following:
"Unfortunately, was not a prestigious profession of teacher. Last year pedagogical institutes have not got the order of thousands of people in low places, this year the same. Of course, shut it no one is going. On the contrary, we seek to revive interest in her. The paradox is that we do not have 40 - 50 thousand teachers, and half of the graduates of pedagogical institutes are not going to work in the profession. Of course, the main reason - the low social status of teachers. Now his average salary of 3100 rubles. In some regions do not pay even a 25 percent premium, which has not been canceled. Just its payment transferred from the federal level to the subjects of the Russian Federation and the subjects thus .. Next on the issues of newspapers: "Do you plan to implement recurrent government grants to study in universities? Would it be possible to use a subsidy for next year? "Balykhin replied.
"We have prepared a package of documents. Their meaning in the fact that the student has received this grant, and after graduation worked in the direction of the state received by the Special three - five years. But in the current legal framework is very difficult to solve the problem of return of these funds. This requires amendments to a number of federal laws - particularly in the Labour Code and several other fundamental laws. But no other way. I think maybe in 2006 the introduction of these subsidies on a pilot basis. "
So I decided to enter the correspondence department of psychology department of the University of Pushkin. The specialty is teaching. Training is paid, but I heard about the opportunity to get a return subsidy, followed by working off of the specialty in the next 3-5 years. Naturally, she wanted to use it, and to this end began to roam the ðóíåò in search of information.
Found many interesting and encouraging:
- Plans to introduce in 2007;
- Provide the desired receive educational, medical and / or agricultural profession, as the country most desperately needs it for such specialists;
and many more different on this topic.
Where do go for these subsidies? The University of such and never heard.
The first thing I did was go back to where I worked once in their major field of study - a nurse. There reacted to my question, even with some indignation, as if I relied solely on money institutions, or even personal money buddy. Went to another hospital, determined to go to work where I will provide an opportunity to learn and even very likely, after six years of work there in another capacity. There I was again not understood, and became agitated, fearing that I want them to "use". Okay, now without the previous enthusiasm, I went to a third hospital, the drug treatment. Main sister was more intelligent and more honest - she adopted my intention to pay for their studies themselves. And it turns out that a nurse without a category on Addiction (!) Department receives only 7000 rubles! Moreover, if a person is willing to learn, not Going back to work, he was not even paid educational leave. When it was canceled, I lost sight of. But these facts impressed me deeply.
And as if to reinforce impressions of trips to hospitals, returning home, stumbled upon this material . A few quotes from there with my humble comments.
"... You can not under present conditions to tolerate the practice of training in" nowhere ", in which formally recognizes that up to half of college graduates in mass and become redundant in specialty occupations to work does not go." (As a private individual observations - much more. ) - Of course! I - one of many similar shots. And do not feel about it without a flicker of remorse, and even thank the heavens for what they have invested time in me sufficient mind to quit a job nurse, and fate - for what is not allowed in one day return to it again! "
"... Can no longer be free to prepare highly qualified personnel for the rich Western countries. C. Kapitza estimated that only specialists on the MIPT exported 1.5 billion dollars is nothing to not having. "- Naturally! Whom the heavens have invested a little more crazy than me, went to work on the west. Yes, of course, should not be tolerated. But maybe there is another solution - to make sure that the specialists did not want to get away from the country, that they were nicer and more comfortable to stay at home.
And further:
"The period of repayment of subsidies may be limited to 10 years" - seems a grim picture: the young man virtually condemns himself voluntarily for 10 years "imprisonment" at the regional hospital or school. Why the "conclusion"? Because those salaries are now getting doctors and teachers, and especially in the countryside, their work and life is ridiculous to call work and life!
But will come back to the topic. Well I'm stubborn, I was still wondering how and where these are given the most subsidies. Well, maybe many really would suit these "three-dash-ten" years of mining in the quiet of the province.
All I could find about the return grants to the official website of the Education Committee of St. Petersburg Government - this is just an interview, such as the above. 
The official website of the State - no word on recurrent grants to students. 
All this together pushes me to think that there are no documents in this regard is still pending, there are only empty words.
The conclusion is clear: no matter how much we have not talked about "policies aimed at preserving the human capital", in my position, the position of student-student, the reverse policy. Every effort is made to as many as possible "brain" has flowed abroad, and as much as possible cheap slave-power generated in the country.

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