Monday, November 29, 2010

How to change my name? Legislation.

Change the name is not as easy as it might seem at first glance...
If surname of the groom double, whether the bride in marriage, and even attach their name? Imagine how much it would be a variety of triple or more names?..
Ahn, no! Russian legislation and are regulated by your choice. Change the name is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The Federal Law on Civil Status Acts establishes the procedure for recording the names of the spouses during the state registration of marriage:
- You can choose a common family name of one spouse;
- Everyone can stay with their family name.

Common name may be:
- Name of one spouse;
- Name, formed from the names of husband and joining a hyphenated last name of his wife, but can not consist of more than two names.
Here is the answer to the question at the outset. What's interesting is that these same questions are duplicated Family Code of the Russian Federation.
As for changing the names for the divorce, it's simple:
- The name may remain the same as in marriage;
- Name can be restored to pre-marriage.
Now back. And where did our name originally? Child was born, and immediately got the right to name and surname. And as without them? The name of the child's parents, father's name is normally assigned to the father's name. Surname, again, can be selected:
- Name of parents if it is shared;
- The surname of one of the parents by agreement, if the names of parents are different.
Surname of a child under the age of 14, can be changed at the request of parents to name the other parent, but with 10 years only with the consent of the child, as well as name.
With 14 years of age a person can change his or her name and surname, but only up to age with parental consent.
If you decide to adopt a child, you should know:
- For it can save the name and surname;
- At the request of the adoptive parent an adopted child is given the surname of the adopter, and indicated their name. Patronymic of the adopted child is determined by the name of the adopter.
The whole procedure of changing the name, middle name or surname is regulated by the Family Code on the application and registration of changes to the certificate and the certificate record of name change.
This procedure, if not related to marriage, is a fairly long process that begins with a statement of name change in writing to the authority of civil status.
The declaration shall contain the following information:
- Surname, name, surname, date and place of birth, nationality, at the request of nationality, place of residence, marital status of the applicant;
- Surname, name, date of birth of each applicant's children under the age of majority;
- Details of records of civil status drawn up earlier in respect of the applicant and to each of his children under the age of majority;
- Name, proper name and (or) middle name, favorite person wishing to change his name;
- Reasons for changes name, names, and (or) middle name.
At the same time, the following documents:
- Birth certificate of a person wishing to change his name;
- Marriage certificate if the applicant is married;
- A certificate of divorce if the applicant applies for awarding him the maiden names in connection with a divorce;
- Birth certificate of each applicant's children under the age of majority.

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