Monday, November 15, 2010

Marriage contract Is there in this sense?

Despite the fact that “marriages consist before the skies”, we live on the culpable earth, and it means, in any way it is not possible to insure love - and to anywhere from this not disappear!
Autumn on the old traditions is rich to the weddings. Many young pairs are absorbed by preparation for the outstanding event. And, it is already certainly, they all hope to live for long and happy in the world and agreement… However, those, who enter into the marriage them not for the first time and already passed “all circles of hell” by the name divorce, even in spite of new love, now receive family relations not in this pink light. And the conclusion of marriage contract does not, possibly, they seem now by something of a feeling…

Although about the marriage contract today heard many, nevertheless, it will resemble excess that it from itself represents. This is the written agreement between the future husbands, assured by notary, who is concerned, in essence, the property sides of family life. Despite the fact and Ukrainian legislation allow for the possibility of the conclusion of this transaction between those entering into the marriage, relation to this, brother- Slavs, until is more than that restrained. But here in the West similar documents long ago narrower became the standard of life, moreover not only rich and well-off people, by which “there is that to divide”, but also people of very modest abundance. We, unfortunately, as before, consider marriage agreement the insult of feelings and the manifestation of distrust to each other. However, about everything in the order.
What it is necessary to know desiring to conclude marriage contract?
The first. Abroad in the marriage contract it is possible to include any point, which is concerned although the enclosure of dog, although occupations by love. The special features of our legislation (both in Russia and in the Ukraine) are such, that this document can regulate only property relations of husbands.
The second. You can select any form of the possession of the property: to determine, what things are personal, what - by joint or longitudinal property of husbands. By the way, about the personal property. The so-called “objects of luxury” (expensive adornments, treasure, for example), according to active laws, legally belong to donor. Therefore it is expedient to note in the agreement that these very “objects of luxury” are the personal property of that, who uses them.
The third. Marriage contract must not place one of the husbands in so called “extremely unfavorable material position”. We know that in the absence agreement the law court (in the case of divorce, certainly) property divides together by husbands in half. But if in the marriage contract of side they themselves want to determine, in what relationship to them, possibly, it is necessary to be divided, law court will nevertheless consider many factors during the carrying out of the final solution. For example, if we one of the husbands nowhere live, then the second obligated will be pay off to it compensation in the size, sufficient for the purchase of dwelling, and so forth
The fourth. For those, who are not connected with die in the passport, but it lives in the so-called civil marriage; law also provided the possibility to protect its property rights. These pairs can conclude the agreement about the joint activity - unique analog of marriage contract.
The fifth. Conclude marriage agreement they can not only those, who intended to legalize relations, but also those, who already consist of the marriage. In addition to this, in the course of the joint life into this document it is possible to introduce any changes, which are concerned property and other material questions.
In more detail it is possible to learn about the marriage contract, after reading a little the family code. We did not become accustomed to similar but in vain! Who can with the confidence say from us that he knows all his rights (even not responsibility!) and he does know as to protect them? How…
Give god, of course, in order to those, who today conclude marriage agreement, actually they lived soul into the soul (“thus far death it will not separate”) and they did not recall about existence of the document signed by them. But if it suddenly seems that feeling of and divorce not to avoid, let the contract be the guarantee of the fact that none of the sides in this case will prove to be pinched. Maybe, even it will be possible to part, after preserving good relations, without having darkened by their property trials.
But on the whole, as it rehearses in the song, “think them, solve them”. In any case, to future husbands this theme can be at least discussed. Indeed despite the fact that “marriages consist before the skies”, we live on the culpable earth, and it means, in any way it is not possible to insure love - and to anywhere from this not disappear! Then it is possible to safeguard itself and its half from many unpleasant consequences in the case of the break of relations. About this nevertheless it is probably, worthwhile to remember for all enamored ones in order more cautiously to relate to each other and to its feelings. Peace and love to you and to your families!

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