Monday, November 15, 2010

What to make, if you burn in DTP ?

With the operational services always it is possible to be connected, also, through the special bell to number 112 from any cell phone (even in the absence SIM- map or money on the calculation)…
An increase in the motor pool entails an increase in the quantity of road- transport incidents ([DTP]). In spite of developed market for the auto-insurance and other associated services, to people, which fell in [DTP], especially for the first time in the life, it is very important to know that it is necessary to make and as to conduct in so complex a situation. Basic recommendations for the automobile enthusiasts and answers to possible questions prepared jurist Sergey.

It is first of all, necessary previously to learn and to always have in the automobile a list of the necessary telephones of special services (fast medical aid, the police, the State Inspectorate for Road Traffic Safety, emergency and disaster relief ministry), the service of her own safety and even FSB - in the case of different encroachments), insurance companies (their representatives or commissioners). With the operational services always it is possible to be connected, also, through the special bell to number 112 from any cell phone (even in the absence SIM- map or money on the calculation). And, furthermore, you hold in the glove box ball-point pen! Thus, if you burn in [DTP]…
Prior to the arrival of the inspector of the State Inspectorate for Road Traffic Safety
 1. Immediately stop transportation means.
  2. you will include trouble signaling and you will advance the sign of emergency shutdown.
  3. do not move the objects, which refer to incident.
  4. take possible measures for the rendering to first medical aid to victim, cause “fast”.
  5. in the special cases send victims on the following, and if this is impossible - deliver on its transportation means (order of actions - [sm].[p].12) into the near therapeutic establishment, where you will report your surname, registration sign of transportation means (with the presentation of the document, which certifies personality, or of the driver license and registration document to transportation means), and return to the place of incident.
  6. you will ring into your insurance company, will report [DTP] - name itself, the number of insurance policy, the place (street, the number of house, it is possible to also indicate the number of the support of the illumination, which are numbered everywhere), time and the circumstance of incident carry out the recommendations of insurer. If automobile is insured (HELMET), it is possible, and it is sometimes necessary (when according to the insurance agreement this is provided in the required order) to cause in the place of the representative of insurer (average agent).
  7. Can report that happening in the State Inspectorate for Road Traffic Safety (but, as a rule, this makes the dispatcher of insurance company).
  8. Write down surnames, telephones and addresses of eyewitnesses.
  9. Exchange the data about the insurance policies and the insurers with the participants [DTP].
  10. Do not in no case immediately recognize your complete fault and do not charge others.
  11. You will fill and sign (in all participants) the form of notice against [DTP], given out by insurance company.
  12. You will free roadway, if the motion of other transportation means is impossible. If necessary the release of roadway (or the delivery of victims on your transportation means into the therapeutic establishment) preliminarily fix in the presence of witnesses position of transportation means, tracks and the objects, which relate to the incident, and accept all possible measures for their retention and organizations of the riding round of the place of incident.
After the arrival of the colleagues of the State Inspectorate for Road Traffic Safety
  1. if [DTP] did not entail the severe consequences, the inspector of the State Inspectorate for Road Traffic Safety comprises:
- Protocol about the administrative offense;
- Diagram [DTP] (with the aid of the measuring instruments, the data of inspection and statements of witnesses);
The report of the state of road surface;
- the description of mechanical damages TS.
  2. if [DTP] entailed the reason for heavy or average solid damages, the loss of people, large material damage, the inspector of the State Inspectorate for Road Traffic Safety comprises:
- Protocol about the administrative offense;
- Information [DTP] (on the basis the data, obtained on the spot BY [DTP]);
- the inspection record and checking of technical state TS (are fixed the places of the damage of automobile, the degree of deformation or destruction);
- Diagram [DTP] (with the aid of the measuring instruments, the data of inspection and statements of witnesses);
- the report of the state of road surface; - the description of mechanical damages TS;
- the report of physical examination to the object of narcotic or alcoholic intoxication.
  3. you will obtain in the inspector:
the copy of the designed protocol about the administrative offense (if you culprit - are obligated to obtain under the receipt, if that suffered - can ask in the inspector);
Information about the participation in [DTP] with the indication of the damages of automobile;
time resolution to the right of control of transportation means (in the case of the withdrawal of the driver license to the issuing a decree).
All documents take shape in the presence of driver and with his direct participation. All graphs and divisions in the documents must be filled.
  4. you will explain in the inspector of the State Inspectorate for Road Traffic Safety date and time of your arrival into the group of the administrative practice (group of selection) of traffic control, where will be examined administrative material on the fact [DTP].
In the group of the selection
  1. be prepared for the group of the selection: you will obtain the council of expert, aid in the preparation of documents, conduct juridical examination [DTP] - all this can be made, having in proper time turned into its insurance company. Defender or representative in the group of selection if necessary will be given to you.
  2. in the group of selection to participants and to witnesses [DTP] is desirable to arrive together in that indicated by inspector the time (witnesses they can be caused by the inspector of the group of selection).
  3. Inspector of the group of the selection:
- is examined material on [DTP];
- are determined the disturbers of the rules of road motion;
- it will carry the decisions about the administrative offenses (they sign by the leader of subdivision the State Inspectorate for Road Traffic Safety).
The culprit of emergency is determined not in the State Inspectorate for Road Traffic Safety, but in the law court!
  4. in the group of selection you must obtain:
- the copy of the decision about the administrative offense (copy of decision they are entrusted to disturber [PDD], and also to victims - on the requests of the latter);
- Information about the participation in [DTP];
- the copy of protocol, if all these documents were not given out on the spot BY [DTP].
  5. in the case of agreement with the solution of the group of selection should be paid penalty and granted into the group of selection receipt about its payment, after this decision is considered completed, and the matter about the administrative offense closed.
  6. Complaint of the solution of the group of selection can be given to the higher body the State Inspectorate for Road Traffic Safety or into the law court during 10 days.
  7. if all participants in the emergency arrived at the unanimous opinion about the culprit [DTP], then it will not be be necessary to be turned into the law court. (If necessary tax initiation petition possible and later - for three years after emergency.)
Determination of the culprit of emergency in the law court
The solution about the guilt in [DTP] assumes law court. If it is necessary to determine the culprit of emergency, action to law court will give driver- participant [DTP] (or his representative).
If disturbance [PDD] provides for the deprivation of the driver license (for example, if one of the participants [DTP] was drunk), the matter about the administrative offense into the law court directs the chief of subdivision traffic control.
Order of the compensation for the damage, substituted to the property of the third persons through the fault of the client of insurance company (the civil liability)
Size and order of the compensation for damage is determined either by the agreement of sides (for example, by arrangement of the owner of automobile and insurance company), or based on a court decision.
Insurance company in the majority of the cases compensates damage voluntarily, without requiring Court decision about the culprit of emergency; payments are produced on the basis the documents, enumerated below.
Documents for obtaining of compensating the damage, allowed into the insurance company:
- Statement about the insurance case and the compensation of damage.
- Information about the participation in [DTP] with the indication of the damages of automobile, signed by leader and assured by the press subdivision traffic control (at present company assume information about the emergency both of new and old model (form of № 2 with the indication of disturber [PDD]);
- The copy of protocol about the administrative offense, which entailed [DTP].
- It is desirable the copy of the decision about the administrative offense. For the third persons, who suffered in [DTP] as a result of the actions of client, additionally it will be required: the conclusion of auto-examination with the estimation of material damage (if the inspection of automobile was not carried out on the spot BY [DTP]), the confirmation of the possession of transportation means, personal passport or identity card.

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