Saturday, November 6, 2010

What such is consumer extremism?

The unconscientiously client, manipulating by juridical standards for mercenary purposes, not to protect its rights, but to obtain the specific benefit and income.
In all on to rumor history about how certain it won unthinkable sum, after giving to the law court to “MacDonalds” for the fact that it got burned by hot coffee. On the cups they since then write “carefully! Hot coffee! ”, and in the instructions to - “attention! You do not dry in SHF animals! ”…
Similar clients, ready to give to the law court to someone for any reason, using “holes” in the legislation in order to obtain the specific sum, they call user- extremists or even racketeers. You also can fall for this definition, when having, for example, revealed in the beer fly, you drink and you only then call waiter so that it would free of charge replace the glass by the complete and without the applied insects. Well, this is consumer extremism on small scales.

Already there are the attempts to classify and to analyze behavior of such people. Two clearly expressed types thus, are separated.
The first - this in by something the unbalanced people, which consider that they, “simple toilers”, are right to profit due to the well-off owners. It is possible to be dismantled with them, having simply explained some points of law “about the protection of the rights of users”.
The second type - these are the competent, legally shod people, which, skillfully using diffuse formulations in the legislation, attempt to obtain income from one or other company or another.
However, in any phenomenon are their pluses minuses, even in the, it would seem, negative itself. Give let us isolate them, also, in our case.
- The discipline of owners;
- An increase in the legal culture in the society;
- An increase in maintenance level as a result of the development of the methods of the satisfaction of the needs of client.
- Damage to the image of honest companies;
- Financial losses and the loss of clients;
- An increase of users, the cult of principle “the customer is always right”.
By the way, now in the large cities appear the entire organizations, sufficiently large, the sphere of activity of which - precisely this racket. To create the public organization, allegedly which is carried out the protection of the rights of users, can practically each. The diagram of action usually is such: 3-4 people are gathered is created this organization with the sonorous name and they come into action. They come allegedly with checking of one or other enterprise or another, firm. As is known, each enterprise of the sphere of services (auto-service, store, studio, for example) is obligated to contribute to checking’s of the public organizations, which consider that in this company the rights of users pinch. Naturally, in our time although small, disturbances in the activity of enterprise can be found always. They threaten with law court and propose to be purchased after the detection of nonconformities to the legislation of company so that the matter would not go into this law court himself.
Saddest - that the overwhelming majority of the leaders of companies to preparedly pay to clients “extremists”, provided to not run on the vessels and not to spend its time and money for the indeterminate result. This is understandable from a human point of view. But indeed thus we give occasion to these clients to continue our matter.
From the other side, are known the cases, when after failure of the compensation to client company simply tortured the different checking structures (after “focusing” of this client, naturally).

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