Saturday, November 6, 2010

How to calm violent neighbor?

Passage into the new apartment - event epochal for each family. You became the possessor of the desired treasure, and about such prosaic things as the presence of neighbors, it was forgotten completely.
If those living next, to the right or to the left reminded one of their existence by multi hour night walking with the loud, intensified by powerful dynamic loudspeakers, music, polyphony under , by the screeches, which are interrupted with the hysterical sobbing, you will explain to households that the actions of new settlers are completely justified.
If the rejoicings apropos of the acquisition of apartment became nightly orgies, it is time to be introduced to the neighbors more closely.

They were introduced?
They explained to you that they go for a walk to their and it is exclusive in its apartment, and if people interfere with you by their happiness, travel to the dacha, the summer outside, there is no dacha - you will purchase.
You did leave on the shaking feet and you do feel yourselves misunderstood? It is time to be turned to the independent experts.
The representative and district did conduct explanatory conversation, and you as before do keep awake by nights, listening to wild cries and moans of those being fighting?
Glance into your passport, you will ascertain that you live not in New York or Stuttgart. It means, culprit for exceeding of background noise level they will not fine to 25 thousand dollars and 10 thousand Euros respectively.
In Moscow, for example, for the disturbance of municipal law about the responsibility for the disturbance of silence and no one for this sum will begin to deprive them the pleasures to carry out nights through their taste.
You will purchase for the entire family, and problem will be taken.
Is night’s silence? Only when the apartment of neighbor does burn, and you do choke in to smoke? Was caused fire calculation? But then did arrive the police and fast and you entire night did answer questions?
You did lose confidence tomorrow?
You do not know, where you will awake, in its own bed or on the smoldering ruins?
It is not necessary to dramatize situation. Law on your side.
There are, as a minimum, two points, on which theoretically it is possible to evict the unguided tenant.
The public services are not paid. Consider as the great success, if you’re of neighbor is located in the hot ten malicious nonpayers.
Article 91 housing of code makes it possible to hope for the forced moving out, if designated face destroys and spoils living quarters, it systematically disrupts rights and legitimate interests of neighbors.
If you, after despairing, will turn yourselves into the law court, then there strictly they will ask, and you did make suggestion to neighbor and did obtain it during half a year the minimum two official warnings. No? How. But on no and there is no law court.
Some despaired attempt to instruct disturbers of the peace by reciprocal actions. Is included loud music, records with the sounds of the working perforator, buy to the children of pipe and drums, hysterical they cheer themselves?
Experience shows that this is blind version.
Counter complaint district deprives you status of victim, sympathy and support of those surrounding.

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