Monday, November 1, 2010

No minors are registered with the police?

All of us were children and remember the strict aunt in uniform, who came to school. Today, that same aunt and uncle come to school already to our children.
Like nothing serious that the child can get registered at the police, but nice in it too little. For example, to date, with the onset of examinations in educational institutions, offices of the Interior received requests for minors who are registered. But the information is sent to the military commissariat of internal affairs staff on a monthly basis.
What do you need to know to the staff of the juvenile (the PDN) did not become a frequent guest in your house?

Most importantly - do not forget that you are parents. And except for the rights you have another great responsibility for their offspring and avoid trouble with law enforcement can only be paying him - dazed - every second note.
In addition, you need to know what a child can put on record in the juvenile department, and what measures can be applied to it.
In accordance with Order № -569 Interior Ministry on May 26, 2000, a division of juvenile law enforcement bodies carry out individual preventive work against minors:
- Use narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a prescription or consume intoxicating
- Committed an offense that resulted in the application of measures of administrative punishment.
- Committed an offense before the age from which comes the administrative responsibility.
- Exemption from criminal liability as a result of the amnesty act, or in connection with changing circumstances, and when acknowledged, that a minor correction could be achieved through the use of coercive measures of educational influence.
- Not subject to criminal liability in connection with the failure to reach the age at which criminal responsibility.
- Do not be criminally responsible because of mental retardation not associated with mental disorder.
- The accused or suspected of crimes for which elected a preventive measure, non-custodial.
- Parole from serving a sentence, release from punishment due to an act of amnesty, or in connection with a pardon.
- Get a reprieve sentence or reprieves.
- Exemption from the institutions of the criminal-executive system, returning from special educational institutions closed, if the period of stay in these institutions admitted violations of committing a wrongful act and (or) after the liberation (of release) are in social risk and (or) in need of social assistance and (or) rehabilitation.
- Been convicted of a crime of small or moderate and released from punishment by the court the application of coercive measures of educational influence.
- Probation, sentenced to compulsory labor, hard labor or other measures of non-custodial sentence.
It is necessary to note that the age at which minors can be prosecuted as defined in article 20 of the Criminal Code. According to some of the acts - it is 14 years.
What measures can be applied to minors?
Of course, the main task of the inspector PDN - prevention of crime. However, there are cases where these measures are insufficient, and the child sent to the Center of Temporary Isolation of juvenile offenders (hereafter TSVINP). It must be remembered that the decision to send TSVINP can only take the court. And go there persons who have attained the age of 14.
Under what circumstances a child may be sent to TSVINP:
- When fraudulent evasion of a minor to appear in court or by a medical examination
- Departed without permission from the special educational institutions closed.
- Committed socially dangerous acts before the age at which criminal liability for that act, in cases when necessary to protect the life or health of minors or to prevent them from committing repeated socially dangerous act, as well as in cases where their identity is not established or they have no place of residence, place of stay or do not reside on the territory of the Russian Federation where they were committed socially dangerous act.
- Committed an offense entailing administrative responsibility in cases where their identity is not established or they do not have a residence, place of stay or do not reside in the territory of the Russian Federation.
And finally:
- Decision on registration in the PDN of a minor adopted by the commission on minors (hereinafter KDN), so if you are told that the child be put on record, prepare all possible documents (letters, gratitude, characteristic of the schools, sports facilities), which can positively characterize your child.
- Do not miss the day of the meeting KDN.
- During the consideration of acts of child KDN try to convince the audience that you will spend the appropriate preventive work independently and will continue to be particularly attentive to what the child. And do not forget to do it in reality.
If, however, the child put on the record in the juvenile department, you should know - after 6 months, you have every right to request to remove it from itself. Do not forget to do this, since the inspector PDN also require a plan - the number of juveniles assigned to the account, and sometimes the child is not removed from the account only for those figures.

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