Friday, August 12, 2011

Where to look for hidden skeleton?

A young couple that tries to build relations independently, not wanting to parental interference and pressure sides.  Therefore, to avoid unnecessary conflicts with family, you make a decision - rent an apartment .
After a series of searches on the eye comes across an interesting announcement on delivery of housing for a long time in a convenient area.  So you're standing on the threshold of the apartment, which is planning to inspect and then dwell.
What you should pay attention to the days spent together in the monastery, did not remain in your memory as a period of struggle with sporadic troubles and difficulties, misunderstandings, and dwell time was such that it is necessary for you?

You have to remember that when you buy any product, you must pay attention to its seller.  Renting an apartment, pay special attention to the master (mistress) of an apartment.  Remember the first impression he or she made to you in the first few minutes.  Mistakenly assume that the first impression is deceptive.  Usually the first impression - this is a true impression, no aggravation.  If it is positive, consider yourself lucky!
Continuing to communicate with the master (mistress), casually ask around about the reason for putting the apartment, which then helps you to logically explain, and sometimes to calculate (if necessary) the possible behavior of landlords.  Do not forget to ask about the last tenant, if it existed before you, and the reason for refusal to rent.  Streamlined response suggests conflict.  In such a situation should increase their vigilance.  Instigator of the conflict may be a tenant , and most often it is the master (mistress) of an apartment.
Upon entering the apartment, not only inspect the external condition of the rooms, and also pay attention to such things, that deliver, as a rule, a lot of disadvantages: Does not flow faucets and pipes, the condition of the drains, the toilet bowl.
Pay special attention to doors and locks, they must meet the requirements of your security and convenience, or, at best, it is likely to spend the night in parents or friends because of zaevshego castle, in the worst - your temporary home will not keep your valuables in the integrity and preservation.
It is also important in our time to pay attention to such a thing as a meter .  If you lived in the apartment before you a certain number of people, and the counter, hanging on the wall, still the old model - disk, I highly recommend to listen to, it is noisy if it works.  Noisy operation of the instrument says that someone who lives to have had a handyman, and it is likely to finger the application of clever counter.  Hence, the damaged seal, unauthorized connections.  This entails a lot of confusion, and possibly claims by the owners and inspection bodies to you.  Apartments with such problems are best avoided.  In the end, you do not need the extra cost and headache.
If you are lucky enough at the entrance to meet with neighbors, look at the number and age.  Neighbors sometimes quite noisy, quarrelsome or very tearful, sometimes makes it impossible to fully relax after a stressful day.  If the neighbors did not fall on your eyes, make a knight's move, using the discovery for spies: a talk with the old ladies that usually sit on the benches at the entrance.  In a nice conversation, they will tell you many interesting and useful facts about the neighbors and the whole yard.
If all the parameters you inspect the house has attracted, do not forget about drawing up the lease agreement with the precise your rights and obligations of the lease term, size and terms of payment

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