Friday, October 15, 2010

What is a "rest time"?

Working time and rest time are interrelated. The shorter working hours, the longer an employee on vacation. Constitutional right to a holiday provided not only legal limitation of working hours, overtime work, but fixing the law of various kinds of rest periods and annual leave, both basic and additional. The concept of "rest time for labor law" and "leisure time for self-development" is not the same, but the duration depends on the duration of the first second.
Leisure time is called the free time that an employee may use at their discretion. This includes the travel time to and from work.

Types of leisure time are as follows:
- Breaks during the working day (shift);
- Breaks between working days, shifts;
- Weekends (weekly uninterrupted rest);
- Public holidays;
- Leave.
Uncover these kinds of leisure time.
Intra breaks during the workday, a change - it's lunch time at all industries, and some (associated with some features of) - another short (5-10 minutes), which are included in working time and paid at the average wage.
Lunch break of up to 2 hours and no less than 30 minutes is not included in working hours and is available for rest and food, not later than 4 hours after the start of the day. During this interval the employee may absent himself from the production (to dinner, for example, at home or in a cafe) and use it on your own. Start time and end the lunch break is determined by internal regulations or by agreement between employer and employee.
By intra breaks also include breaks for breastfeeding up to 1,5 years. They are included in working time and paid at the average wage. The duration of their - at least 30 minutes for one child, and the presence of two or more children under 1,5 years old - at least an hour.
Rest between shifts - it is a break between working days, shifts, which usually lasts 12-16 hours. The transition from one shift to another at shift work occurs after the day off in accordance with the schedule shift.
Weekly uninterrupted rest, ie, the weekend should be no less than 42 hours. General Holiday is on Sunday. The second weekend in a five-day workweek is established by collective agreement or internal regulations and, as a rule, contract, ie or Saturday, or Monday.
On continuously operating industries, institutions, organizations, weekend workers are granted on different days of the week in turn to each group of employees according to the schedule shift.
On production related services for the population, where the work can not be interrupted in the general holiday (shops, theaters, museums, etc.), weekends are set on different days of the week in turn to each group of employees in accordance with internal regulations.
Weekend work is prohibited. Allowed only individual involvement of employees with their written consent only in exceptional cases defined by law:
- To prevent or eliminate a social or a natural disaster, industrial accident or the immediate elimination of their consequences;
- To prevent accidents, loss or damage to productive assets;
- For urgent and unanticipated advance work on the urgent implementation of which depends in what the normal function of production or its separate divisions.
To work at weekends are not involved pregnant women and workers younger than 18 years.
Work on weekends is compensated by compensatory time off or, by agreement of the parties, in the form of money - at least double the amount of payment.
Festive holidays at the moment the following: January 1-5 - New Year holidays, 7 January - Christmas Day, 23 February - Motherland Defender's Day, March 8 - International Women's Day, May 1 - Labor Day, May 9 - Victory Day, June 12 - Russia Day, November 4 - National Unity Day.
In these holidays allowed working only on a continuously operating production facilities, as well as work calls for public service, emergency repairs and loading and unloading operations.
When the coincidence of holidays and days off is transferred on the day following the holiday.
Payment for public holidays Code provides, generally, not less than twice the amount, or at the request of the employee, it can be compensated by providing another day of rest.

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