Friday, October 15, 2010

What to do if you bought a defective product?

Each of us at least once in their life to buy a product, in quality, which we later had doubts. And more than once reproached ourselves that we are fooled, and we just threw money away.
So, if this problem has also touched upon you, I would like to give you a couple of tips for dealing with such situations.
You have purchased, for example, a bottle of cognac, opened her home and found that brandy-it just does not contain and is filled with some unknown liquid tea-colored.
No need to risk one's health, check for yourself what kind of fluid should take it back to the shop to show the check and demand compensation for its value. In addition, you are entitled to request a certificate of quality for this cognac, as well as a license to sell them.
You bought low-quality sausage. Take a look at its label: Do not expire shelf life, and if passed, promptly return it to the seller, he is obliged to refund you. When you purchase such goods must ask the seller a check and do not throw it, because to find nesvezhest sausage you can not immediately, but only at home.
You have decided with my friends to mark the end of the working week in a summer cafe. Ordered to fifty brandies and make sure that, again, you caught a low-quality product. In this case, you must immediately invite the Director or, if the director is absent, the administrator of this cafe and explain the situation. Be assured that, to avoid scandal you to replace this cognac if not the best, then certainly in quality, and bring our apologies. If not, pay attention to the administrator of the fact that the order was given to you, for sure, without a receipt, ask his legal address of the cafe's name, name of its director and tell the administrator that the liquid which is poured out to you instead of cognac, you will carry on examination, and then meet in court, where it is necessary to compensate not only material but also moral damages. The result did not take long.
You have purchased a refrigerator and brought it home, washed the purchase, but it does not freeze. In this case, you should contact the shop where you bought it, and say that the fridge does not work, as well as present the warranty card and receipt. The seller must take steps to ensure that the refrigerator, depending on your desires, or replaced by another, or repaired. Moreover, while repairs you must provide the same refrigerator.
You have passed the coat to the dry cleaners. You have cleaned it and returned, but you passed the coat size 52, and when you returned it, it somehow turned out to be 1942 size. It turns out that you messed up thing. You are entitled to reimbursement of the cost of the coat, as well as the cost of his dry cleaning. If the contractor does not pay to you in full volunteer, contact the court. The thing is winning, but only if a receipt or voucher, which will indicate the amount of stuff and its condition prior to cleaning. Keep the following documents: they are very important in addressing controversial issues.

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