Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What is a sect?

What is a totalitarian sect by its very nature, many realize, but they know for sure only those who are affected by its activities. "Forewarned - hence forearmed" - proverb says. So let's understand the concept of "sect".
The word "sect" means "religious community consisting of people who had broken away from the established church and accepted the new creed", in a figurative sense - "fenced off from communication with others, withdrawn into himself a group of persons" in the first case, this word has a neutral paint, in the second - disapprovingly. (Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary).
Sect arises due to the activity of one or more persons. But later it may develop into a major trend within one religion, or even pretend to separate "new" religion.
Mistake to think that the sect appeared only in recent years. For example, in the Krasnoyarsk newspaper "Yenisei" for August 6 (old style) in 1900 read: "Boxers - the secret revolutionary society that has very strict internal procedures. This weight of the compound of sects, each located under the auspices of the spirit of an ancestor or an animal, such as tigers, monkeys, buffalo, foxes, etc. The protection is of particular importance: the sect monkey assigns to its members the ability to jump over the house, the sect fox - special keen eyesight. All believe that the bullets for them harmless, and despise guns, but very fond of the cold. Shortly before the uprising in Beijing, it was impossible for any money to buy knives, daggers, swords and lances. All boxers have bought ... All members have a special insignia: the red sashes, bandanas, yellow suspenders, etc., Superstitions and belief in witchcraft prevalent in the extreme. Boxers are extremely brutal ....
At all times of the sect suffered a devastating start, although the members are, of course, do not think so. The leader of the sect has set its followers strictly specific problem lies not only in recruiting new people, but also financial support to the organization, that is extortion. In sect come, first of all, people who absolutely have no idea of religion or dissatisfied with their traditional religion, usually while they are creating for yourself an unrealistic picture of the religion. They dream of comfort and warmth of the community and expect unconditional support. All this focus on their own selfish selves.
"But we are right, only we have the truth and salvation," - this is taught in any sect. This is the first sign of the sect. If you hear this statement from some people, maybe more than once, think about whether to continue with dialogue.
The second sign can be called a desire to isolate themselves from others, including their anchors "in sin and debauchery, to leave his family, friends and home.
The third feature - the domination of someone over someone. It is generally strict observance of all rules of the sect, attending meetings, execution of orders.
The next aspect is called "subordination", ie the subordination of the senior rank. People in such organizations are deprived of free time and no matter what factors should be every second of work for the benefit of the sect.
And the last feature can be described as fanaticism. The sectarians are not able to conduct a dialogue and to tolerate other religious views. They are constantly at war with all religions, which "do not have the truth and salvation."
The main objective of the sect - to destroy the conscious part of the psyche and to subdue a man your goals.
Care of the sect's difficult, sometimes impossible, but getting it usually passes easily. Sometimes so much so that people do not even know about his. The leaders of the sects can literally charm the people who come to them. Sects have often secretive nature of the gradual introduction of the candidate to the community. In addition, familiarity with the sect is extremely enjoyable. During the first meeting is all that enters into a sect, were memories of warmth, fellowship and hospitality. This is just an illusion, but there are people who are "hooked" on the promise of imminent riches, fame and carefree life. So how can a reasonable person living in the 21 century, to succumb to it? It turns out, can. Unfortunately

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