Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Child pornography on the Internet: how is it dangerous?

Omniscient statistics show that one in five children between the ages of 10 to 17 years using the Internet receives proposals of a sexual nature on adult users. Every fourth teenager has entered a chat in correspondence with older users who were shown pictures and photos of a pornographic nature. Even if you consider that half of the children, talking in chat rooms and forums, "attributes" currently 3-5 years, formally becoming more "adult", the figures still threatening.
According to some, pornography is the third largest in the world by revenue, after drugs and arms trade. Even if not third, and, say, fifth place - you can imagine the scale? "Every year in this business are attracted to two million children. Income from child pornography exceeds revenues Colombian drug mafia. According to Interpol, "the master of child porn" shoot for children from 2 months to 12 years each year to bail out $ 1 billion...

For some time now more than 75% of all child pornography is distributed on the Internet, where, according to some estimates, there are almost 40,000 pornographic websites. And this figure will certainly grow. Monitoring of Ukrainian Web sites showed that they contained about 20 percent of the forbidden pornography, including children. The demand for such pornography is three times greater than the supply!
99% of the consumers of child pornography are men. The price for the services of Internet porn ranges from $ 20 to $ 150 per month, depending on the services they offer.
Schema that is online pedophiles in search of new victims is simple. Criminals come in children's on-line chat rooms, there are introduced to children. Talk a little bit and placing the child for him, the offender shall designate a meeting "in real life" - prepositions can be completely different. To stimulate the "victim", offer money or other consideration. Particularly quickly "hooked" kids from poor families and adolescents who do not have enough "pocket money". Sometimes as a reward offered drugs. When a child is "caught in a trap" - is meeting at the "real world" and fotovideosemka.
In addition, the victim of a criminal child can become a web-camera.
For example, several chats Yahoo! were closed due to the fact that they are actively used by pedophiles. Through the web-camera they sent teenagers in chat rooms at your photos in the nude. Victim of "child lover’s attention" could be teenagers, on a computer that has a web-camera.
Another cover for the development of child porn are children's "modeling agencies". There are many examples. So, in 2004 Ukraine was neutralized a criminal group, which under the guise of modeling agency did pornosnimki and movies with girls aged from 8 to 16 years and place them on foreign porn sites. In mid-2005 was also suppressed the activity of this gang. For an hour shooting the girls were paid from 50 to 200 hryvnia. And many parents of girls knew or guessed what their children are, but nobody in the police is not addressed. The so-called model agency existed for three years. Advertisement to participate in the filming of it distributes to the media, including newspapers. According to operational information, the net monthly income of the company was about 100 thousand dollars.
The worst thing is that many "models" to lead the studio's parents, for whom the fee is "in the 100-150 hryvnia for" conversation "- big money. And for that amount they do not want to go into details as it photographed or videotaped their children and how to feel while the children themselves.
Studies on the effects of participation of children in pornography damning. Judging from the data of clinical observations, children who starred in porn films, begin to perceive you as a commodity which can be sold. They forget everything they loved before, and ultimately respond to what is happening to them as if they were inanimate objects, not people with heart and soul. Children involved in pornography, then often find her replacement in the form of drugs or prostitution. Like other victims of sexual coercion in their middle age often have sexual problems. And, worst of all, children are sexually exploited, as adults often begin done the same with the other children.
Not far behind Ukraine and Russia. In the Sverdlovsk region offender for six months, using a personal computer, published on the Internet information on the availability of pornographic material and it has posted on its website before you copied them from the Internet photographic images and movies with pornographic content involving minors, has opened access to its website for viewing and Copy available on it pornomaterialov regularly received a reward for giving of their resources to other subscribers. Only after that for his criminal case was opened.
Many "stars" and "stars" for these products deliver the army of homeless children. The easiest way to work with young children. They do not particularly understand the nature of the work to which they involve, because sometimes they pose with the toys. In other cases, their first pictures of just naked, and then quickly transferred to shoot entire scenes set in such a way that was similar to the sexual activity and, finally, played the "real" sexual acts.
Fight the spread of child pornography to the web very difficult. Internet - is an open global network that does not actually belong to any country in the world. Every country is struggling with the problem of distributing child pornography and pedophilia in the "World Wide Web as you can.
As always, there are proponents and opponents of the restrictions. Thus, a survey research center of computer crime, showed that only 49.57% of respondents in favor of blocking ISP access to sites containing child pornography, and 37.32% opposed.
None of the providers do not want to answer to someone who "hosted" on its website. And honestly - should be. Track the spread of child porn on the internet - "the mission is difficult but doable." Only now, even if the track, then leverage the criminals do not.
It is no secret that the fight against "traditional" pedophiles is much easier than with the "virtual", and thanks to high-tech criminals can easily track down and engage children in the porn industry. With the development of computer technologies, children can become a victim, not realizing even illegal actions of adults. Therefore, opposition to this type of crime is necessary, because its object is the most valuable - a healthy social development of mankind as a whole.
In the fight against child pornography to seek new approaches that would have articulated a measure of responsibility of manufacturers, distributors and consumers of various products. This task is difficult because the criminal laws of different countries do not have uniform standards regarding child pornography and prostitution.
A necessary condition for effectively combating child pornography and pedophilia on the Internet is its legal definition, development of new, effective system of countering and combating child pornography on the Internet.

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