Friday, November 12, 2010

Fear and business-Fear can bring profit?

Fear and business - these two words together gave life to the huge amount of articles about how to force themselves not to fear to begin its matter as to now and then manage firm or to be occupied by trade, as fear it stops us before the new business- possibilities. Give let us look at the fear in the business differently!
Did think you about the fact that the fear can become stimulator for the purchase? Example - industry of the belts of safety and air automobile pillows. They do not reach to us additional comfort, pleasant emotions; they do not give the possibility to obtain profit and do not cheer us - why there are plants, which produce similar devices? For that reason, that the fear of the people before the automobile emergency, which was become the requirement of law, forces the producers of machines to equip its articles with belts.

The money volumes of the industry of safety are expressed by the numbers! This of hundreds of billions of dollars, which yearly are spent on the metal-detectors, the sensors of gas escape, equipment for the visual and sonic observation, scanner of fingerprints and to that similar adaptations. There would be this market; if to human beings would be not known fear? Would be profitable the company Of technologies, which created among other the detector of anthrax spores, which was proposed for the installation in the apartment buildings of Americans, exactly next to the fire alarm, by the indicators of the oxide of carbon and radon? But as about the tablets, which should be assumed in the case of nuclear attack or domestic air-raid shelters - all this also not fruit of the imagination of science fiction writers.
Everything, who recently flew to America, saw the action of the system Of us-Visit. This is the government program of the identification of foreigners, who attend the United States. It provides for the collection of fingerprints and the photographs of all visitors and their storage in the data base. Fear before the terrorism costs taxpayers of approximately 10 billion dollars.
The fear of bacteriological attacks helped the company Of agion Of technologies to obtain 10,5 millions for the development of the preparation for the cessation of multiplication of practically any type of microorganisms based on silver.
But the corporation Of applied Of physical Of sciences supplemented its bank calculation of 244 thousand dollars, selling the technology of the notification of the terrorists about the fact that located under water they were discovered and must end approximation to a ship - was such the price of the fear of American servicemen before the underwater attack, of the reinforced by prohibition on the neutralization person without the proposal to be returned voluntarily.
But that about the fear before loss or theft of information? Not it whether did bear the industry of coding and data protection? What still can force us to buy laptop computers with the built-in scanners of fingerprints and return those vitally earned to the developers of cryptographic programs?
But fear gives the possibility to earn not only to large corporations. [Set] of times, one of the chief experts in the region of marketing, give an example of that how the fears of buyers attempts to convert into his profit the owner of small American store - at the doors it hang “warning” poster: “Today level of anxiety - yellow”. But indeed it thus attempts altogether to only stimulate demand for the repair tape!

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