Friday, November 12, 2010

How to secure itself of your automobile?

Only this to you and it was not sufficient… more precise, it did not seize.
Number of crimes, connected with the seizure of automobiles, with the years does not decrease. Therefore each driver must have a concept about how it is possible to counteract seizure.
First and sufficiently important component of safety of automobile - this is its technical state. First, in the case of attack it is better to act on the proper automobile. But in the second place, automobile can be broken in the most inappropriate place, for example near the roadside cafe, in which sits drunken company.
The units, which require special attention, include the engine and ignition, brakes, KPP, illumination (headlights), mechanisms of the opening of doors and windows. Automobile in the required order must be completed by the pumped spare wheel, located so that for its extraction it would not be necessary to investigate the baggage carrier covered with rubbish.

There must be the tool kit. Fire extinguisher and first-aid kit are arranged in the salon in the accessible to driver (!) place. This moment is important - if fire extinguisher lies on the regiment of rear seat, in the case of fire the driver can not have time him to grip. Fire extinguisher, by the way, is by itself the means of self-defense - it suffices to direct jet into the person attacking.
Approaching the automobile to before reach keys and to open signaling, it is necessary to look around, are there no hereabout arousing suspicion personalities - this moment is very convenient for seizing the automobile. The same concerns output from the automobile.
During the motion of door must be blocked, the windows closed (for the ventilation in the absence of conditioner it is possible to open slightly windows or to lower glass- on 3-5 cm). These measures will not allow strangers during the stoppage on the light signal to open door and to sit in the salon.
To necessary as far as possible in such a way that it would be possible without difficulty to leave. If we be be necessary ourselves to between two automobiles, it is necessary to leave place for the maneuver, up to the fact that to stop at angle to the pavement.
The cases of seizing the automobiles with the stoppage by the pseudo-colleague of traffic control are frequent (but by the sometimes and simply purchased colleagues). With the stoppage by inspector in the uninhabited place the signs of danger are:
- the nonconformity of regular clothing, outfitting, armament of the inspectors
- the uncharacteristic behavior
- the absence of patrol automobile or of identification marks on the official automobile (characteristic painting, inscriptions, stationary flashing beacon, the identification tags of dark-blue color)
- the presence of strangers in the civil clothing near the inspector.
In principle, to all these signs it is easy to find completely logical explanation. Therefore the situation must be estimated in each case individually.
With the stoppage the transfer is not turned off, contact with the inspector occurs through the slightly omitted lateral glass-. Although this behavior can seem inspector by suspicious and it most likely will ask to leave the automobile (for the checking to alcohol, the inspection of baggage carrier).
To leave or not - it is determined individually. If the signs of danger enumerated above are present, it is better to leave.
If driver left, and they attempt to be attacked it, it is necessary maximally rapidly to fall inside the automobile. Automobile gives advantage over those attacking, since it protects from the physical action. It will not protect from the firearms, but if attacking is necessary automobile, and not driver, then hardly they will him pierce. Generally, left automobile must be only in two cases:
- automobile is firmly blocked and it is further in it to remain dangerously;
- criminals penetrated in the salon.
If road is in front blocked by obstacle, it is necessary to shift rear gear and to drive off back. During a similar maneuvering to press rather well to the sound signal - this will draw attention and will help to confuse of those attacking. Is encountered the version, when driver they entice from the automobile by the imitation of light [DTP] (they tap from behind, they or they sharply impede from the front). It is in that case necessary to remain in the machine and to immediately cause traffic control (but in the case of explicit threats - PPS or “golden eagle”). With the participants [DTP] to associate only through the lowered a little lateral glass-. With the appearance of danger (verbal threats, attempts at the extraction from the machine) - to leave from the place of incident.
Is extended also the method of the stopping of automobile in the necessary place with the aid of the bait (likable girl). in that case - to stop not near the potential bait, but meters into 10-15 from it. If capturing team nevertheless exists, to it is necessary to in motion change action plan and it will appear itself.
It is worthwhile to recall what to undesirably take passengers at night or in the thinly populated areas. An optimum quantity of unknown passengers - is not more than one. It is better to plant passenger on the front seat - rear places are most convenient for the attack on the driver. For the larger reliability of passenger it is possible to make it necessary to fasten.
As far as the legal weapon of self-defense is concerned, the most effective means are and also knives. Impact weapon, as gas, is useless with the fight inside the salon. Useful will be which gives the very powerful directed beam of fire - for example, if that attacking pushes the hand through the omitted lateral glass- and will grip for the throat or it will attempt to lower glass-.
The means of self-defense are placed in the easily accessible, but concealed before the view of strangers place. Optimum version - in the pocket (pistol - in the waist or operational holster). Storage weapon in or under the seat is thoughtless - in the critical situation it is possible not to suffice, especially with the fastened belts of safety. By the way, after by the belt of safety it is necessary to verify - is it possible to rapidly reach weapon.
It is not worthwhile to consider weapon security guarantee. In the overwhelming majority of the cases there is the possibility to be hidden, without entering into the opposition with those attacking. Yes, in certain cases weapon can become the decisive argument, but more frequent it harms. Having a weapon, many prefer battle to withdrawal, without suspecting, that the weapon in this case does not give advantage. Weapon must enter the matter when all the remaining possibilities will be exhausted.
Three principles of the safety:
- not to give to take itself unaware;
- not to lose self-control;
- to act rapidly and decisively.

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