The criminal law is a slender structure having features in common with the right systems in other industries. At the same time, the criminal justice system has a number of differences.
Like many other areas of law criminal law is divided into two parts: general and specific parts.
The general part contains rules defining: objectives and principles of criminal law; grounds of criminal liability and exemption from carrying; limits of the criminal law in time, space and number of persons; defines the concept of crime, guilt, sanity, insanity, stages of the crime of complicity statute of limitations, circumstances precluding criminality; system and punishments; base and the procedure for their appointment; grounds and procedure for exemption from criminal responsibility and punishment; especially criminal liability of minors and application of compulsory medical measures.
The special part of criminal law specifies what actions are crimes, and sets for each of them the appropriate punishment.
Between general and special part of criminal law there is a close and indissoluble bond, since application of the special part is impossible without application of the provisions laid down in the rules of common parts. Their continuity is defined unity content. Penal provisions contained in the general part of criminal law, are the basis for the provisions contained in the rules of the special part. Action to establish a common part applies to all offenses contained in the special part.
General and special part of criminal law, in turn, are divided into separate institutions.
Institutes of criminal law are a set of separate groups of criminal law, combined certain features and are an integral part of the field of law. Legal institution integrates the norms that regulate only part of a relationship of some kind. Thus, we can say that the institution of criminal law contains a group of rules with common features and regulatory in nature close relationship.
Criminal Law contains a number of legal institutions, the largest of which are the institutions of crime and punishment. They, in turn, split into podinctituty, for example, participation, plurality, penalties, criminal record, etc.
Institutions consist of separate criminal law (Criminal Law). Each specific criminal law provision is a separate rule governing specific relationships and secured state coercion.
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